
Peach Jasper is not a gem you wanna mess with. The strength of a quartz with the agility of a Pearl made for an intimidating combination at her initial emersion. She was made tough, tending to be very defensive of her own actions and closed off to any kind of emotional connections, which made it difficult for her to care about protecting the gems she was initially assigned to.

Being a near-perfect-cut gem and not wanting to waste resources, Homeworld decided to assign Jasper to Cognac Sapphire as her eyes and bodyguard, both helping her get where she needed to go and keeping her protected all the while. This time, Jasper’s protective instinct seemed to finally click into place, the defective parts of her personality practically disappearing overnight. 

After some hundreds of years of interaction, however, Jasper started becoming friends with Sapphire, which quickly snowballed into the present day, where she now has a huge secret crush on her. How could she not have, with someone so pretty and kind?

Despite the recent gem renaissance, however, Jasper’s mind is still fighting its Homeworld-brainwashed state, and she believes she is too low of a station to deserve such things like wanting to fuse with a higher-tier gem. (Basically, some small self-doubt and Jasper feels it would be wrong to ask about taking a step beyond friendship since Sapphire already relies on her so much in day-to-day life)

Still, despite trying to push those feelings down, she can’t help but get super jealous whenever Sapphire hangs out with other gems, especially Gold Pearl— despite it being obvious Goldy wasn’t all that into friendship, much less romance. (Intelligence was never quite Jasper’s strong suit… seeing as she’s both a simp and a himbo)

While that entire gay disaster was happening in the background, the smol Saphire sweetheart is still just completely and utterly blind to Jasper’s affections (figuratively and literally haha).

On the rare occasions where Jasper isn’t directly watching over Sapphire—usually when she visits her sister on Earth—Jasper enjoys spending her free time hanging out on the beach, making literal castles of sand, going underwater to scare the fish, watching the clouds during the day and sunsets in the afternoon, and genuinely just having fun in the tranquility of knocking-out annoyingly loud seagulls with her hand axes.

•She's flighty, headstrong, passionate, and enjoys sparring. She can get very attached to the gems she works closely with, yet she's extremely distrustful of humans.