


5 years, 5 months ago



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demonic beast
fire & corruption magic
9' at shoulder

THE FRENCH LIBRARY - franz gordon

keeper of forbidden knowledge

Hidden within the labyrinthine tunnels of the Below stands a forbidden library, a fortitude of tomes containing unspeakable power. Here, amidst the oppressive silence, dwells an elusive demon—an entity both fearsome and unassuming. Creed moves with a deceptive grace—an amalgamation of shadows and smoke shifts and writhes around as she prowls the corridors of ancient knowledge.

Crimson eyes, burning with a branding intensity that effortlessly pierces the gloom, fixate on anyone who dares to approach. Wielding potent corruption magic—capable of unsullying the minds of captivated seekers—her presence is palpable: a heavy weight hangs in the air, suffocating and ominous. Smoldering flames swirl around her like a tempest, ready to engulf those who dare pursue the hidden knowledge she aggressively guards.

Inscribed upon the ancient texts are runes of darkness, their etchings pulsating with a malevolent energy. These books, repositories of secrets too dangerous to be unleashed upon the world above, hold the power to corrupt minds and souls with their whispered promises of banished truths. As intruders venture into her domain, the demon's aggression ignites like a wildfire. She unleashes her fury with a savage ferocity, her flames of pyre consuming all who dare to defy her.

Within these hallowed halls, the price of knowledge is steep, and those who seek it must be prepared to face the consequences of their curiosity. Thus, the demon stands as a relentless guardian, a sentinel of the underworld's darkest secrets, protecting them with a fierce determination born from eons of solitude and vigilance.