


5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




50-something in practise, ageless in theory


guardian lion, formerly a guardian lion statue

Skills and Powers

extreme Heroic Spirit TM, fire breath, immunity to fire, heightened durability, (coming to life out of sheer willpower is pretty great too)


Neutral Good


female (she/her)




adventures, meeting new people, helping people, physical activities, being petted, good food - especially sweets


mean and rude people, injustice, damp and dark places, the rain


Jin started her "life" as an actual guardian lion of a remote temple. Carefully sculpted from stone, and beloved by the temple patrons, the guardian lion statue stood proudly by the temple gates, guarding them to its best ability. And it was an important duty, one that also made the statue feel important and proud about the duty bestowed on it. However, after a few decades, the statue couldn't help but feel a bit... Bored with the routine of sitting by and guarding the temple, watching the seasons change, people and nature live around the statue, and less and less people come by the temple as the years passed. The statue eventually grew more and more eager to see the world and travel, but couldn't just abandon the temple it was created to protect. One day, a qilin passed by the temple, and the statue couldn't hold back anymore - the statue came to life, and asked the qilin to switch places with it, so the statue may adventure into the world, if the qilin would become the temple's guardian. Slightly confused and shook, the qilin agreed. 

Apparently the love and devotion the sculptor and temple patrons felt for the temple and the statue caused the guardian lion to create a soul, which eventually awoke to consciousness and became a real, living guardian lion. And Jin was born. She now travels around around, having adventures and meeting both new friends and foes.

Jin is cheerful, optimistic and outgoing, as well as fiercely loyal and protective. She's equal parts excited dog and knight errant. Just as likely to to treat quests such as slaying evil dragons and playing with children with equal respect and devotion. Jin is a bit naïve and has a very romanticized view of the world, but when she needs to, she can act mature. She sometimes worries about how her temple's doing, but she tries not to think about it.