


8 years, 2 months ago


Keone Russak

“With every breath, don't forget how far you've come.”


 GENDER: Non-binary (they/he)
 SPECIES: Feathered dragon
 HEIGHT: 5'4"
 AGE: 19 years old

Icarus still has a lot of progress to make in the self-confidence area. He doubts himself a lot, despite being highly skilled since he was young. Since he fidgets a lot, Icarus usually has a piece of paper and a pen close by to write and doodle down ideas for later projects. Being a brain over brawl, he is often found away from the fight, too scared to participate, but can plan amazing strategies.


                    Best friend
                    Project, companion

Coming from the planet of Eden-5, Keone always had a talent for technology. But despite his skills, he was an outcast at school, very often bullied. No helping to the situation, his father became an alcoholic when Keone was younger, physically abusing him, his big sister Oihana and his mother. He nonetheless managed to keep his grades up through all these problems. After bullies broke his wings, they never properly healed, leaving him flightless.

Keone eventually met Alicia, a girl who just happened to also be seen as an outcast at his school. They formed a close friendship, and Keone soon learned that Alicia suffered from an eating disorder, and progressively saw her get worse, much to his concern. His world took a turn when one night, his father, having drank too much, beat Oihana to death. He was arrested and sent to jail, leaving Keone alone with his mother. Taking a break from school, he got a phone call saying that Alicia was in the hospital due to suicide attempt. He rushed to the hospital, and sat in her room until she unfortunately passed away.

Keone then refused to leave his home at all. He spent most of his time in his room, building various little robots, all leading to his big project named Talos, a fossa android with an AI. He followed the school's fair closely, getting highly invested into the shenanigans of Gaige. Few months later, his mother was admitted to the hospital after a sickness unknowingly developed, to which she lost the battle and passed away. Keone had enough and left to Pandora, in hope of finding his idol.

He instead fell on Akheilos and Mani, which allowed him to tag along and turned out to be a very friendly and amusing duo. By some weird coincidence, they led him to Sanctuary where he met Gaige; she was apparently the ex-girlfriend of Mani's step-sister. Keone and Gaige quickly became friends, and Gaige helped him make robotic splints for his wings. His team then helped him be brave enough to try and fly again, which succeeded, and gained the nickname of Icarus. With a new joy and self-confidence, he began to open up, and ended up in a relationship with Gaige.

Over the years, Icarus was part of the team with the others, and later into his life, had a beautiful daughter with Gaige which they named after his deceased sister.