Valentino's Comments

Is this still open for buying?

They are! You can send the payment to [email protected] and I’ll transfer them over whenever I get the notification :0!

Ight, ty!


I have yet to receive it, so you might need to check the email address :,0!

Here’s proof :p

You may need to request a refund from that person, as my username isn’t dinoyolk and I have an icon of two characters :,0

If it helps, and might work better, you could send it to

3 Replies


I’d love to buy them!

THANK U! just send the money to [email protected] / and ill transfer them over :-]

AH IM SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG IT TOOK MEX :,0 I had to get the money back as I had less than I thought, but it should be paid now!!

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AHH SORRY i was sorting through 200+ comments for a while, I take paypal! Just send the money to [email protected] / and ill transfer them over!

İm really sorry oof, i thought my offer didn't interested you, deleted, i don't have enough money atm ;-; 

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Sadly just money at the moment :'-0 I'm trying to help a friend pay off a character 

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