


5 years, 5 months ago


~The basics~

Name: Moondust!


Pony type: Unicorn 


Sexuality: Bi-Curious

Taken/single: Taken by The stallion of her dreams,Steampunk!<3(AwesomeWaffles Char) 


Coat: Her coat is Dark grey with silver markings around her body.

Eyes: Darkish Grey

Mane/tail: Moon has a Long mane and tail, that is a light grey moon color. 

Cm: Moons Cm Is a moon with sparkles around it. 

Size: Moon is very tall. 

~Personality traits~

Likes:Animals, Cooking, Studying Space, Steampunk(wink), Shopping, Helping other ponies and a few others.

Dislikes: mean ponies, when steam is hurt, when ponies yell at her Etc. 

Positive:Moon is a very sweet mare, but is still learning to be tougher so she is less sensitive to things. Her favorite things to do are cook, take care of animals, and hang out with her friends and her special somepony. She is (of course) fascinated by space, the planets, and moons. When she's not busy with something, she will help other ponies or watch SteamPunk work and encourage him every day. (ty Waffle)

Negative: Though with being the Sweet mare she is, She does have some Self Insecureitys and fears..  She is self insecure about her weight And how she looks like. She fears the ones she cares about the most will leave her, and she will be alone. Moon Hates being yelled at and Picked on because that's were she feels insecure the most. But there is one Major flaw, that Moon doesnt like to talk about, And wants to keep it hidden... Moon has an ulter ego but Steampunk helps alot, he makes her happy and feel safe.

!Relationships! (and Moons notes)


Rainbow Heart: "rainbow heart.. you are an amazing friend! And i love hanging out with you. You Help Bring out my confidence!" 

Redtail:"Red.. You are so sweet and kind.. You and rainbow heart are made for eachother and i love the things you make.. You'r kindness is so Wonderful. I am happy to be your friend" 


Mom: "Oh dear mom.. I miss you so much. You were the best pony in my life You have tought me so much and helped me through my chilldhood, I hope you're happy and safe up There.. I wish you were here.. But i know that You are out of pain.. I will carry you throughout My heart forever"

Dad:"Dad..Thank you for everything.. I loved the bonding times we have together.. I know we dont see each other often but im happy you're here. we have helped each other when mom passed away.. And i have never felt closer to you before.. Thank you for being there" 

Brother(dusk):"Ah big brother.. Even though we had our sibling fights You were still the best brother a mare could ever ask for! you protected me from the bullies And made them run away in fear.. I am happy you found somepony special, and i hope you both are happy" 

Her love

Steampunk: "Steam.. I love you so much! I love your Cute and quirky personality! You make me happy everyday, And help me through my insecurites.. You are the stalion of my dreams.. I just love everything about you.. I love the cuddle time we have when We get the chance.. I love watching you work, and the creations You make, You have NO idea how much you have helped me.. and im so greatful i have found you.. Please never stop being yourself.." 


Base used:

Steampunk belongs to Awesomewaffle 

 Her Toyhouse:

Redtail, rainbow heart, and Dusk are all my Oc's I will be making profiles for them soon

Note: sorry if this is confusing, Im not really goo of writing these.. I did have a little help From Waffle! 

Thank you, and tell me what you think of her!