


5 years, 5 months ago


Nam is a character I've had since I was very young, one of my first OCs. Her creation is what really got me into roleplay, I'd say.

File Name: NAM 

Nam's story actually starts with her mother, Noen. Noen was a high-ranking operative and invader, carrying out numerous successful missions and played a hand in quite a few conquests. She reached a talent and rank that allowed her to put in a request for where to be sent next, and she did - to one of Irk's moons, to set up a station there. The Tallest at the time was puzzled, why would she want that? Didn't she thrill in chasing glory? The truth was, Noen never did, but she knew that being an Irken would never allow her to settle down. The insectoid species was all 'work without rest, conquer and control'. Noen wasn't really about that. She just wanted to live a calm life. On the books, Noen is still an operative, and sends readings of the moon's atmosphere to the Massive periodically. But in her day to day life, she's a homebody, with three natural-born children. 

That was her OTHER ulterior motive - she'd always had an interest in sciences, biology and tech, wondering how Irkens had kids before the Holographic Boom. What better way to test a theory than to test it on yourself? Her eldest is named Drendle, Dren for short. He came out pretty tall but with a few, behavioral issues, so Noen adjusted and tried again. Her middle child is named Saudize, Sau for short. She came out a bit shorter, and still a bit too zany. One more shot. Her youngest was named Namynka, Nam for short. Woefully tiny, but the perfect aptitude for a star Invader. Noen kept her two eldest at home, to dote on of course, and sent her little Nam off to the Academy. It wasn't too difficult to change a few designations around and sneak her in - the Empire is so large that no one would care, anyhow. 

Just as predicted, Nam passed with flying colors, and tested out of being an Invader even to join a special rank - the Infiltrators. An Infiltrator is a special agent sent in to replace a rogue or defective Invader. Their mission can vary from taking over the invasion entirely, or merely dispatching the previous Invader and calling for a new one. When there are no Invaders to dispatch, an Infiltrator will perform simple assassinations. The galaxy is so large, their services are always in demand, especially since they need a certain aptitude and specific programming. Nam has never dispatched an Invader yet, only a few assassinations. 

But she's about to be assigned to her first: her old classmate Zim, on a planet called E-arth.

Age: Anywhere from 14 to 19
Gender: Female, she/her
Rank: Infiltrator II
Identity: Bisexual