Carnation Nadzha



5 years, 5 months ago


Carnation Nadzha is a witch. They dabble in the occult and taboo magics, so, they don't wanna be around all those goody-two-shoes. They seems to be able to protect themself just fine, however. What with all the trophies of dead Callers hanging around their abode... Their hair is short, black, and fluffy, and their eyes are slit like a snake's. They entertain a very off-limits form of magic called "familiar splicing" which involves non-consensual consumption of a familiar's essence to gain their aspect. It's very looked down upon. They also do experiments on huldra, and occasionally a living Caller. Or anyone that goes against them. Going against Carnation, your only hopes are either to win or die, because being incapacitated is a fate worse than death. They have a brother named Avarice who died by being too rash and "courageous". (And, secretly, a baby sister named Summer, who died of illness.)

Technically, Carnation is a type of witch known as a "hunter witch". No capital letters, just a subculture. Hunter witches are those who go out and track down supernatural creatures to defeat, to hone their magic skills and also harvest potion ingredients from them. Some do it in a more "noble" fashion, only killing what they need and respecting the bodies. But some do it in a more ambitious fashion, seeking out only the rarest and most dangerous of creatures, taking trophies and treating it like a competition. Guess which type Carnation is. One of their proudest achievements is wiping out an entire werewolf pack - and that was just on the way to their real target.

Surprisingly, fairly cheerful. And talkative, very talkative, Carnation loves to dominate conversation and make people feel like they're smarter than you. If they're smiling, they're probably lying or at least manipulating. You won't know they're pissed off at you unless they let you know, and they won't let you know if it's not for some nefarious reason.


-Seal traps: was only able to maintain two after weeks of preparation and energy drain. The traps give hallucinations when stepped into; one makes you think you've been eaten by a bear, one makes you think you've fallen into a pit of spikes. Cannot cast these at random, takes at least two weeks to set up, and they hate to do it, so.

-Prepared charms: Carnation's true wheelhouse - pre-preparing spells for later throwing. They imbue a charm with an intent and cast it with a little spark and toss. They are woefully unskilled at off-the-cuff casting.

-Levitation: Carnation can make objects float around, either towards or back from themself. They cannot speed the objects to projectile speed, i.e. using a book as a makeshift bullet. They cannot lift anything over 130 pounds, and the more heavy it is the more strain it puts on him. Though in a rush of adrenaline and stress, he might be able to bust through this limit, but only under those conditions and will revert to that skill level when danger has passed.

-Elemental knowledge: Carnation can weave spells in all four elements, with no real preference for any. Though still, without prepared charms, the most they can do is summon a harmless light-flame or a playful little breeze. Slightly better at fire than the rest, but it's negligible.

-Snake Pact: Carnation is imbued with the aspects of 4 previous snake familiars. What does this mean? Fuck if I know. Probably some creep-ass shit.