


5 years, 3 months ago



Name: Saul

Alias: NA

Age: 27 (+264)

Birthday: November 30th

Gender: Male

Species: Fae

  • An ancient race from his world that possesses both a humanoid form and that of a large birdlike creature. Known for their abilities to create crystals and embed stories of past events from within. Their prosperity came to an end when the outside world discovered their records and thought they had written the events into existence, rather than recorded it from history. Outraged they would create such tragedies and refusing to listen to reason tension grew until a full on war escalated. Saul's people refused to give up their traditions and would fight to keep them.

Height: 6’4’’

Occupation: Former Bounty Hunter- Jeweler currently

  • He's since realized most people here can't create gemstones and is now using it to earn a profit.

Relationship Status: Dating Baien

Orientation: Homosexual/romantic

Music: 🎼


  • Doran: His father. He was the Chief and expected Saul to take on a more serious role in regards to his people. Saul’s free spirited nature never sat well with him, nor did the fact Saul would never give him grandchildren. The two had a rather tense relationship, but neither can deny that they still loved one another.

  • Mirel: A good friend of his that he trained alongside when learning to fight. He participated in the war efforts with Saul for years, but eventually lost his life in one of the battles.

  • Baien: His first friend after leaving his own world. He’s a great cook, but seems pretty down on his luck. The two were good friends for awhile before it turned into something more. Their relationship is still new territory, but Saul is excited to see where it'll go.
  • Jazz: A super weird, albeit charming, tiefling. They also enjoy teasing Baien, which is something they have in common.

Familiar Name: NA

Reference: NA


+ Cool headed/laid back: Saul is difficult to get worked up, as he takes most things in stride. He can often be seen with a good natured smile on his face and can usually stay calm in stressful situations. So long as it doesn’t hurt him or someone innocent, he’s usually down for pretty much anything.

+ Kind hearted: His main drive of what he does comes from his desire to do good by others. He tries to hide it but he’s got a bleeding heart, almost to a fault sometimes. He hates seeing other people hurt and almost never hesitates to offer a helping hand for someone in need. Sometimes he’s a bit too kind to strangers, and it’s gotten him in trouble before.

= Flirty/coy: Saul’s a notorious flirt. He seldom means it seriously, but he loves to tease. Though he primarily teases other men, he’ll jokingly flirt with women sometimes, too. It’s never his intention to lead people on and usually the things he says are so over the top he’s pretty sure nobody will think he means it… at least that’s what he hopes.

= Free Spirited: He’s not one to be tied down to responsibility. He likes to go where he pleases and hates being told what he can and can’t do. He’s at his happiest when he’s doing whatever he wants without commitments hanging over his head.

- Stubborn: Once he’s set his mind on something, it’s near impossible to convince him otherwise or keep him from doing it. It gets him into trouble more often than not and he hasn’t yet learned what battles to pick and what to leave alone.

- Struggles to move on: Saul is so stuck on the past that he struggles to think much about the future, and is bad at moving on. Be it through copying down history or thinking about his life prior it’s always in the forefront of his mind, often impairing his ability to make changes to his current life/situation without letting what he knew getting in the way. He spends so much time dwelling in the past that it can make him difficult to reason with at times.

Likes: Starry skies, Flying, New information, Shiny objects

Dislikes: Cooking, Authority, Being left out


  • Saul’s gemstones match his eyes.
  • Not all gems created have stories written within.
  • There’s a tool required for writing and another for reading.
  • He became a bounty hunter with the intention of getting payback.
  • He can only fly if he takes on his other form.
  • He can’t cook worth SHIT. Nor does he care to.


TDLR: Dumb bird boy gets left behind and is now trying to be a historian

Saul was born as an only child to the chief of his people. He learned how to scribe stories into the crystals he and his kind could create at a very young age, though never took much interest in it. When he was still quite young his mother died when bandits attacked her when she was off visiting family in another region. This event led to him becoming a bounty hunter when he was older, rather than a scribe like his father wanted. Though he never learned who exactly had done it, he was determined to keep it from happening again.

The war between his people and those who blamed them for the world's tragedies came to a climax in his teen years and he gladly volunteered himself for the front lines. He knew full well it was a losing battle, but refused to stand by and do nothing. His father saw the way the war was going and feared for his son’s life, so he came up with a proposition: To seal someone away until things were safe- Someone who knew how to scribe and could carry on the tradition should the worst case scenario happen. His father Doran discussed it with the elders who eventually agreed it would be a good backup, and asked him to pick someone he thought would be suitable. Not wanting to see his only son throw his life away on the battlefield, he picked Saul and confronted him about the idea. Immediately Saul turned it down, saying he’d sooner die with his people than hide away. The two argued about it for awhile, but never came to an agreement. The battles raged on over the coming years, and their situation only grew more and more dire. Finally one day Saul received a summons to meet his father, who led him to an underground bunker where the elders were waiting. He tried to turn and leave once he realized what this was but found his way blocked. A large argument ensued before his father told him if he wanted to leave he’d have to cut him down. Faced with the choice of killing his father or being sealed away until the war ended, he reluctantly agreed. He was given the tools required to write and read the inscriptions within the crystals before being sealed away in crystal. There he would be forced to wait in sleep until the war ended and someone came to release him… But no one ever did.

Eventually the magic keeping him locked away faded and he was able to free himself from the stone. He rushed back to his home only to find it abandoned and overgrown. He knew what must have happened, but didn’t want to admit it to himself. He started using crystals that documented the events to piece together what happened while he had been asleep and how much time had passed since he’d been there last. The story he uncovered wasn’t a pleasant one, but one of tragedy and loss that spanned over two centuries. Many of the crystals had been destroyed and the story of what happened to everyone had to be pieced together through what was left. He’s spent the last few years following what trail he could and trying to write a more cohesive history of what happened, and trying to find if there’s anyone else left and where they might have fled to. He's spent years searching, and it's taken him far from his original home and into unknown lands.


Magic Class: Standard


-Melee combat

-High damage attacks

-Can turn into a big-ass bird


-weak defensive/offensive magic

-Little experience working with others in a combat setting

-Glass Canon: High damage low defense


-Creation: Limited to crystals. He has the ability to scribe events into the stones while creating them but it can only be of true events that have already happened that he's seen first or second hand.

-Jump REAL good: Though he’s not capable of flight he can jump impressive height and distance with the aid of magic.


-Sword: A large blade with a strange stone embedded in the hilt. The gemstone holds a story within, but what story could it be?

-Silma Dun: Is it a knife? A pen? A strange device used to inscribe stories into the crystals. One of the last ones to exist.

-Solar Lens: A ring made of a stone-like material. 15cm across with strange runes engraved into the outside. Used to properly read the scribed crystals with the sun's aid.