Aethelind Byrd



5 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Aethelind Byrd


nope (they/them)


18 Years Old




Unown X




Cirrus Chariot


"I don't feel right as myself

My body is a hell"


     Very cautious and reserved until they're comfortable around someone, often keeps their head down and speaks as little as possible. They're very skittish around authority figures or people who peak over others and never tries to start fights. Becomes much more outgoing around friends and won't mind raising their voice for comedy at that point. While they aren't afraid of showing affection, its definitely reserved for those special to them, and rarely extends outside of those few people. Once they've opened up they become silly and maybe a little more self assured.

In contrast, when not around these select people, they're surprisingly more open about their self-depreciation. Its likely unconsciously an attempt to not worry their friends, but it often tends to be off-putting to others how little they really think of themself. They want to get better but find it hard to motivate themself when they don't feel they have anything to live for other than a vague hope that their family is alive.

They're very much used to the mentality of sucking it up when it comes to bad situations. They're not used to having a surplus of supplies or not being the one that has to be the protector, which often leaves them confused and at a loss of what to do. Its not that they don't appreciate this time, however, as they love their alone time and being able to stay away from prying eyes. 

listen they're just lonely and sad and trying their fucking best

let thel take a nap


Born and raised in a much less gentrified area of Driftveil city with their parents and little sister. Managed to scrape by in school and immediately started working to hopefully save up for college while helping out around the house. Was arrested on halloween night for taking their sister out trick-or-treating and had something else pinned on them and was sent off to jail for several months until the apocalypse hit.

Once they got a good opportunity to get out of the prisons as safely as possible, they immediately went to searching for their family, but was unable to enter Driftveil, as it was shut off completely from the outside. They were able to get conflicting accounts from others in the area of their family having left, and went on a search for them again until they couldn't tough it out on their own anymore and they settled at the Cirrus Chariot where the Pokemon League previously had been. Now, Thel is hoping that they can get others to help them find their family, but so far there's been no luck.


  • Will go by Thel since they know another Aethelind
  • gorls pretty,,,,,,
  • Hidden power is Grass type
  • Will help the Chariot find supplies while avoiding going into dead zones
  • They're like a baby tho so they primarily help out around camp
  • True Neutral
  • Very protective over people younger than them. Probably leftover big sibling stuff



  • tba

Significant Other(s):

  • n/a
