Devin Bladekiss



5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Daisy and Devin, Lady and Lord Bladekiss 

Age: 498, both of them. 

Gender: One male, one female 

Appearance: They look pretty much identical, if not for their gender-denoting ways of dress. (There's a rumor in court that they switch roles whenever it suits them.) They both have long flame-red hair, curling and waving down their backs. They both have sharp orangeish eyes, like burning coals. They're both the same height, around 5'7" - kinda short for elves, so they both usually wear heels. Daisy wears sharp eyeliner and Devin's cheeks are a bit pinker. 

Bio: The Lairds Bladekiss are twins, and both very assertive and commanding. They both love attention, and both like to be in charge. When they came of age to rule their lands, both wanted to be in charge. It wasn't clear who was born "first", and of course in the faerie lands there's no gender bias, so it wasn't clear who should lead. To avoid civil war, they compromised to be Lord and Lady, not married but just ruling siblings. There are two seats up there, after all. Neither are married to this day, and it looks to stay that way until they mature a bit... 

Anything Else?: Though willing to avoid civil war, they have a love for combat and war strategy in general - their noses can sniff out even the faintest whiff of conflict and pounce on it.