
5 years, 5 months ago


Dragon thing??

A mix of Tweek, Kenny and Butters from SP personality wise

Feathers and scales 

Red and yellow but they are still a BIG WIP 

And color may or may not change idk yet 

LIKES coffee, birds, drawing, dirty jokes, cute things, vaporwave, baking and cooking, sea food and fruit, the ocean.. 

DISLIKES heat, Loud Noises, Dying, Hospitals, Needles, depression, anxiety.. 

Is immortal pretty much and tends to get herself killed alot oops,, 

Likes to wear hoodies, baggy shirts, and letterman jackets

Is a huge dweeb that loves to draw, animate, climb trees, eat, watch cooking shows and just be a big goof 

She has severe anxiety and depression along with Adhd and is easily to get mad and is anxious alot and shakey

She we also go threw mood swings and one minute be hyper and the next sleepy or relaxed then super anxious the next

Scared of balloons but likes how they look?? 

Will probably flipped you off if you get on her nerves 

Soft butch lesbian likes girls alot hhh

But can not flirt at all and just akawardly smiles hxgjk

Stoner music™

Stays up too late on phone 

Usually always has cuts and bruises 

Loves her birbs and plants~