


5 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
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Bagel Holland


NAME Bagel


AGE 24

SEXUALITY Panromantic Asexual


OCCUPATION Anime Shop Employee

SPECIES Border Collie

Bagel is one of the most awkward, yet sweetest, little weebs you will ever meet.

He's always quiet unless you get him started talking about something he loves. Then he doesn't shut up. He acts way more confident in conversations that he actually is. Inside, he's screaming.


  • Rubber ducks and plushies
  • Video games, Superhero movies, Comics, Manga
  • Dancing to music alone in his room
  • Shipping characters hardcore and ignoring his own social life


  • Doing anything related to customer service
  • Large crowds of people anywhere outside an anime/comic con
  • Not being crafty enough to make his own cosplay outfits
  • Not having wifi for any amount of time


  • He spends way too much of his money on cosplay hoodies
  • Bagel cries at least once during almost every single movie he watches. He can't help it, he gets emotional.
  • Sometimes he cannot hear customer's dumb requests/statements over all the internal screaming that's going on inside his head while they talk
  • His hobbies include: Reading and writing fanfiction, drawing and browsing fanart, screaming at the tv/computer when his favorite pairings are on screen together, and typing huge paragraphs talking about his real feelings before erasing the whole thing and replying to people with "lol same" even though it is not, in fact, lol same.
  • He suffers from depression and pretty severe anxiety, but he's just doing his best


  • His hair has a little curl on top that's shaped like a heart
  • His tail can either be curly or straight, depending on his mood! (straight and down means he's nervous or unhappy, high and curly means he's alert or excited)
  • His cheek fur is long and angles forward like a Border Collie's does.
  • He has a lot of very subtle freckles and gradients over his body that can be easy to miss if you don't look closely


He's quite awkward and not the greatest at socializing, really, but he is a natural sweetheart and loves to find people with similar interests to get excited about stuff with. Getting to really be his friend is kind of hard, as he struggles with bonding and opening up to people that don't make the first moves. Plus he highly prefers online interactions over physical ones. He would rather have 1 or 2 close friends than a bunch of casual ones, and even then he's picky about who they are.

Bagel prefers to live his life getting passionate about characters on screen as opposed to the real people surrounding him. Anime is life. Marvel is life. Hardcore shipping the OTPs is life. And his life? Fulfilled.


Bagel is a part time digital artist and a full time employee at a local anime/manga shop. Outside of that he spends his free time drawing fanart, writing fanfiction, and browsing through his favorite ship tags.

So, yeah, his life is pretty much perfect for an introvert with the mindset of a romantic.


P.K. Friend(?)

P.K. literally burst his was into Bagel's life when he climbed through his window to escape the cops and declared his apartment a new safe house for himself. Bagel is kinda terrified of him, but also secretly very intrigued. It's like the guy lives in his own comic book! He could do without the aggressive teasing and flirting though.