Althya Solari



5 years, 5 months ago


Althya Solari
"Ace", "Captain", "Crackerjack", whatever she thinks sounds cool at the moment
Human cyborg

Althya grew up on the Outer Rim, where her family scraped by as farmers in an independent but Republic-sympathizing colony. Desperate to escape this life, Althya studied in a piloting school as soon as she was able and bought a small freighter, setting off to make her living amongst the stars. For a few years, she got by doing various odd jobs in multiple systems, honing her piloting skills and her ability to sniff out moneymaking leads. Eventually she fell in with a small spacer gang, where she found her true calling as a smuggler.

Though technically an outlaw, Althya has never lost sight of the values her parents taught her, and has always been sure to never take jobs that would hurt innocent citizens. This caught the attention of the Republic, who offered her several jobs that are too dangerous or sensitive to undertake in an official capacity during the cold war against the Empire. Through these missions, Althya has seen the evil of the Sith Empire first hand, and is always ready to lie, cheat and steal in order to take them down however little she can.

As the cold war reached its breaking point, the Republic knew it would need the galaxy's best and brightest to combat the Sith. Althya's work history put her firmly on that list, and soon she was hired as an government-sponsored privateer, fighting the empire and making a few credits along the way. Over time, Althya would form a ragtag crew out of the friends she made along the way, including the naive but talented Jedi Knight Evanaj, the conflicted former Imperial Agent Kerria, and the formidable bounty hunter Texe.

Misc Info
  • Weilds two blasters, "Righty" and "Lefty"
  • While she is a talented pilot, she can also be impulsive and try out new maneuvers in the heat of a chase without fully thinking them through
  • Her cyborg implants mostly consist of various upgrades to amplify her piloting skills

Likes to present herself as a "smuggler's smuggler;" highly confident, a joker, and a bit flirty if the job calls for it. When the chips are down, she'd rather go out in a blaze of glory fighting her way through than get stuck by being too cautious. While much of it is just her natural personality, some of it is owed to a sense that she needs to act this way to "live up to the legend" in a way - that if she's going to be a "real" smuggler, she needs to fit the description to a T.

  • The thrill of a heist
  • Making friends
  • Piloting
  • The Empire
  • Smugglers who are only out for themselves
  • Letting people down

Kerria Veir - Partner/Childhood friend

The two were thick as thieves growing up, but Althya's firm patriotism to the Republic became at odds with Kerria's sympathy for those caught in the crossfire of the hate of the Empire. Althya didn't take the news of her scholarship at the Imperial Academy well, but they left on better terms...until Kerria reappeared years later as Imperial Intelligence's star agent.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Texe Del-Nara - Partner

Althya heard all sorts of gruesome tales about Texe from the other side of the war, but as a fellow doer of dirty deeds she understands that Texe is simply running a business and is simply glad she was turned to working for the Republic instead.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Evanaj Torwyn - Partner

He's a nice kid. Sure wish he'd get a clue and get over his puppy love crush, though.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.