Kerria Veir



5 years, 5 months ago


Kerria Veir
Cipher Nine (formerly)
Ex-Imperial Intelligence Agent
Dromund Kaas (formerly)

Kerria grew up on the same Outer Rim planet as Althya, but Kerria's high marks in school were noted by the Sith Empire and she was offered a hefty scholarship to join the Imperial Academy. While attending, she quickly showed an aptitude for both marksmanship and espionage, and was singled out for advanced training as an agent for Imperial Intelligence. She graduated at the top of her class, and soon became the elite agent codenamed Cipher Nine.

Even though she was born in the Outer Rim, Kerria firmly believes in the Empire's sovereignty and that it has a right to exist as much as the Republic. However, she has never quite agreed with her the brutal philosophy of her superiors and the Sith, and was ever wary of the Dark Council's spying eye. As Kerria's mission to hunt down various enemies and interests went on, she began to see more of the cruelty and suffering caused by the Sith Empire's war for dominance. Her disgust only worsened when a terrorist group she was investigating turned out to be secrelty backed by a Sith Lord, who planned to sacrifice millions of innocent Imperial citizens to guarantee his own rise in power. Stuck between her desire to good within the Galaxy and her duty to the Empire, she began to find whatever wiggle room she could in her assignments, using her relative autonomy as a high-ranking agent toshow mercy to those she felt deserved it and lend a helping hand to those caught in the crossfire of the Imperial march.

But for all her caution, Imperial Intelligence misses nothing; while reporting in from a successful mission, she was branded a traitor to the Empire by Darth Malgus and barely escaped with her life. On the run from her former allies, she turned to the only person she knew she could trust in the Republic: Althya Solari, now a government-sponsored privateer. Now she travels with her crew and joins their mission to restore peace to the galaxy by destroying the Sith.

Misc Info
  • Duis viverra est bibendum, auctor ante sit amet, lacinia massa
  • Duis non ante eleifend sem laoreet molestie egestas sit amet eros
  • In vel cursus tellus.
  • Vestibulum accumsan, mauris non ultricies sagittis, enim arcu porta neque, sit amet pharetra massa nibh eu risus.
  • Maecenas ullamcorper volutpat ante nec efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Quisque ultrices lectus quis dictum laoreet. Duis vestibulum a nisl a efficitur. Sed eget diam vel tellus egestas condimentum. Praesent quis ligula a metus interdum feugiat nec in nibh. Ut in viverra odio. Donec ultricies volutpat elit vitae pharetra. Etiam non efficitur velit. Quisque faucibus, lorem in congue varius, velit velit sollicitudin mi, sit amet porttitor ante neque ac nibh. Cras laoreet mi metus, et pellentesque enim semper sit amet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla euismod malesuada enim, sed porta nulla ultricies vel. In dictum dolor eu mi facilisis, id hendrerit lectus vestibulum. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam pellentesque lorem augue, id congue lorem rhoncus eget.


Althya Solari - Partner/Childhood friend

The two were thick as thieves growing up, but Althya's firm patriotism to the Republic became at odds with Kerria's sympathy for those caught in the crossfire of the hate for the Empire. Kerria was appalled at her friend's anger at her scholarship, but the two were able to part as friends...until Althya remerged years later as a high-profile target of war.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Texe Del-Nara - Partner

Kerria knew Texe by name only; she was listed as a reliable contact for crucial matters where agents could not risk being discovered, or "aggressive cleanup" was necessary. Now Kerria confides in her as a fellow professional and the only member of the crew who knows what it's like working for both sides.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.


Evanaj Torwyn - Partner

Jedi make her uneasy, but not as much as Sith. As long as her training to resist Force mind reading powers holds strong, she has no quarrel with him.

Spoilers below

There's nothing to spoil yet, but maybe someday there will be.