Pathfinder Gheli



5 years, 8 months ago



Gheli had always known she was destined for greatness - the only problem was getting there. Though her brilliance in the studies of both magic and technology carried her through graduation at the College of Synergenics, Ghlei’s stubbornness and disdain for authority earned her the ire of several krewes and even the Arcane Council, prompting her to set out from Metrica Province to gain inspiration for the invention she was certain would put her in the history books. Eventually finding a home in the Durmand Priory, Gheli was partnered with rambunctious Magister Sieran in the hope that the two would keep each other out of everyone else’s way. Though initially dismissive of the young sylvari, Gheli was surprised by Sieran’s resourcefulness and performance under pressure, coming to consider Sieran her first true friend.

Unfortunately it was not to last. While the two were tracking signs of undead activity, they uncovered evidence of an imminent attack on Lion's Arch by Zhaitan's minions. They tried to warn the city, but it was much too late, and Sieran nobly sacrificed herself at the Battle of Claw Island in order for Gheli to escape with the remaining survivors. Gheli gladly joined the Pact's campaign into Orr, and has now taken to traveling with Feyn and Bato as a means of soul-searching following her loss.

Nightmares and the Jungle

Gheli hoped that the defeat of Zhaitan and her following travels had brought her closure, and returned to her lab in Metrica Province to continue work on her inventions. But as time passed, her dreams grew darker, with visions of a corrupted Sieran begging Gheli to save her. Fearing she would be unfit for service, she declined to join the Pact's attack on Mordremoth, and later recieved word from the Priory about the catastrophe that occurred. Fearing for the safety of her new friend, Gheli rushed to contact Bato and convince her to journey into the heart of Maguuma.

Even after Feyn was found, Gheli's nightmares persisted, growing ever worse the deeper they ventured into the jungle. During a giant Pact offensive against Mordremoth, Gheli suddenly came face to face with her visions: Sieran, reborn and corrupted under Mordremoth's command. As they fought Sieran mocked Gheli, claiming she abandoned their friendship for her new companions and calling her weak for fleeing from Claw Island. With the help of Feyn and Bato, Gheli overcomes her attacks, taking strength from the true memory of her old friend and the knowledge she would have wanted her to find new friends rather than wallow in misery. As the Pact Commander defeats Mordremoth, the corruption evaporates from Sieran's body, allowing Gheli to give her friend the proper burial she deserved back in the Grove.