Summer Nadzha



5 years, 4 months ago


Summer is the baby sister of Salem and Carnation. Her fate depends on which AU it is, but she never gets out of the situation very happy, or very alive.

In more gunslingy-type universes, Summer is the daughter of the notorious bandits, Devi Agnihotri and Tuya Nadzha - also known by their pseudonyms, "Death's Raven" and "Mother Magma", respectively. They raised her, along with her siblings, in a pretty slapdash manner. Some criminals are dashing rogues with hearts of gold, but some are just pieces of shit. Summer's parents would fall into the latter category.
Being raised by criminals, she too was taught how to hold her own and pilfer what she desired. Summer grew up into a discerning young woman, soon being known by the pseudonym "the Ice" from how coldly she handled business. Still, she could never be as ruthless or vicious as her older siblings. And soon, their parents died in a shootout, leaving them all to fend for themselves.
Carnation was already old enough to have fucked off into the horizon by that point, so Salem stayed behind to look after her. She was still not a real adult yet, after all, about 16 at the time of their deaths. Salem took her on raids and robberies, protecting her but needing an extra helping hand. However, the Wild West is no place for a teen criminal, and a couple years later in a spat Summer nearly lost her life to a gut shot. Salem spent all their loot on a doctor to try and save her life, and it worked, but when she came to she said she was quitting. She didn't want in anymore, she wanted to live an honest life where she didn't have to fear death. Salem was a little hurt, but understood. He helped her pack her things, and she rode off to a quieter town. Last she heard, he'd been stirring up posses, but it was none of her business anymore.

Now, in more mystical-type universes, Summer is the daughter of the notorious rebel mages, Devi Agnihotri and Tuya Nadzha - also known by their pseudonyms, "Death's Raven" and "Mother Magma", respectively. They raised her, along with her siblings, in a pretty slapdash manner. In a country where magic is illegal, it's hard to live constantly underground and on the run, and even harder with three children. They did their best, but also, they probably shouldn't've had kids in the first place.
Being raised by anarchist witches, Summer was taught how to hone her own inner power and protect herself. Or, she was supposed to, anyways. Summer wasn't that great at magic, and also got sick fairly frequently. Her family were more tuned towards using fire-based magic, but that just wasn't her. She was the baby, so she was more than content to hold down the fort while everyone else went out and stuck it to the man. However, one day, a protest went wrong, and both her parents went up in flames.
Her siblings came home and broke the news. She became despondent - even if their parents weren't the best, they were their parents - what were they all gonna do now? As she got sadder, and the situation got worse, she got weaker, and her sickness grew. Her siblings could do nothing to help her, lost without their family, without the resources their parents had. Once they died, they hadn't told the kids how to get in contact with their contacts.
Summer's sickness killed her, and in a rage Salem went out to go riot against the system that had failed them, and died for it. And Carnation, they turned into a monster.