


8 years, 2 months ago


Luka Leonid
Nickname - Pasha


Species: Muzumimi © nemcrsd
Age: 16
Birthday: 01.07
Height: around 12cm
Hair color: light ash brown
Eye color: greyish blue
Relations: Linniel, his owner

Profession: none 

Personality: cheerful, open-minded, loyal, a little airhead from time to time, sometimes shy, amiable, friendly

Likes: sleeping in his owner's pockets, covering himself with leaves, singing and making music, grooming, playing, he's just really attached to Linniel and never leaves his side

Dislikes: strangers, people touching his music box, people trying to harm his owner Linniel or simply looking down on him




Luka was once a little boy of 14 years who lived high up in the cold mountains. One day he played near a frozen lake together with his friends and fell into the cold water due to his carelessness. His friends, who didn't notice anything, found his dead body floating on the surface some time later. To at least save their friend's soul, they travelled to Aster's atelier. Since they knew that Luka held a Russian themed music box dear to him, they begged Sir Aster to turn him into a Muzumimi.

Somehow Luka found his way into Linniel's hands and is now travelling the world with his new owner.