Wesley Morse



5 years, 4 months ago


Pinkerton turned outlaw

Animal thing: maybe a raccoon? a deer? Idk

W.O.C: shotgun

Star sign:  Aries 

Grew up on a farm in a poor family, father was a _____ and was ______ in a _______ when he was young.

Grew older, got a job in the Pinkerton detective agency, proposed to a Native American/ African American woman who protected him a lot bc he was a baby back then. Got called freaks by the locals. He didn’t tell her he was a Pinkerton, she thought he was a farmer or shop worker or something. 

Pinkertons eventually found out about his wife (which wasn’t approved of in 1890s) and burnt down their house. Dude runs in to try and save her, she dies, his arms get burnt, he’s dragged away and forgiven because she “put a spell on him” or something dumb like that. He got burns all over his arms from that and as a result, his arms are rough and scarred.

He then resents the Pinkertons, leaves them and hunts them down as an outlaw. His face is v noticeable and his name is known by the law (due to him being a former detective) and so he normally has to wear a mask or something or at least hide his birthmark.

He has a fear of horses and a fear of fire (caused after his wife’s death) and is gifted in manipulation. He is a leader figure (he wasn’t before). He dreamt of being a famous ____ when he was younger but his poor background and the fact that he was born out of wedlock meant that he couldn’t. 

He isn’t very good with most weapons (for a cowboy, a pistol or shotgun are his main weapons of choice) and his fear of horses limits his ability to ride with the gang he’s in, but he is good at creating distractions and can be stealthy. If he was a fantasy character, he’d probably be a cross between a bard and a rogue.

He has haemophilia, meaning an injury that bleeds that a lot of people would survive could easily kill him as he can bleed out easily since his blood doesn’t clot. Despite this, he has quite an impressive immune system, but when he does get sick, he gets sick for a lot longer and worser than other people.

Although he comes from a poor background, he got help from one of his better-off cousins and even more help from his wife later on in literacy so he can read, write and speak formally to a high level. 

He is mainly fuelled by revenge, fear and regret, but also passion, desire and for the fun of being able to deceive people

Personality traits:

+he is very passionate and very caring as well as reliable (if he trusts you)

+he is also quite intuitive and observational

+he contributes a lot and listens well

/he smokes a lot and drinks a lot

/he tends to come up with his own way of doing things

/he has no remorse when it comes to things lower down than him

-he isn’t very trusting at all and is quite hypocritical at times

-if you backstab him, he’ll backstab you, track down everyone close to you and backstab them too (literally, this time) after gaining their trust 

-he gets frustrated easily and then panics because of this


-the rain (he finds that it soothes him. Also makes him harder to track, ha.)

-things being clean and organised

-when he’s trusted by someone (doesn’t matter whether he plans to backstab or not)


-dirt and grime



-most strangers

-horses, or any other animal bigger than him that can hurt him, but mainly horses.