


5 years, 5 months ago


"I arrange my mixtures in alphabetical order according to ingredients." 

Name: Zoom

Nickname: N/A

Age: 19

Birthday: September 2nd, Virgo 

Height: 5'4"

Pronouns: She/her

Physical description: Zoom has metallic-looking hair, the colours including silver, purple, and a golden-brown. her eyes are silver, her skin is pale, and she has an hourglass figure. 

Sexuality: Asexual

Family: N/A

Fears/phobias: She has exactly 0 fears. she is a chaotic force. fear her

"Oh, thats unfortunate. maybe you should... try this.. :)"


Zoom is always willing to try new things, and this goes for making potions, too. sometimes, she'll make a combination that really shouldn't of been created. they either overflow, ruin stuff, kill plants, etc. she records all her mixtures in a notebook to remember what she used and when, and on the off-chance she'll need to make one again. Zoom is a very tidy and neat person. Zoom doesn't often disclose anything personal, so nobody really knows what she's up to and when. 


- Zoom likes practicing her craft and coming up with new creations. she also likes all her pets (3 cats, 1 dog, 2 rabbits, 1 squirrel, and 1 bird,) which she has accumulated over the years by allowing strays into her house. she likes doing her own thing and listening to music while she works. some other things she likes are forests, collecting stones and plants, astronomy, spicy things, strategy/puzzle games, and staying neat.
- She dislikes when things are messy or her things go missing, and thats it. 


Zoom has a photographic memory, so its not a challenge of her to remember things. She is quite knowledgable, and keeps lots of dangerous mixtures in her house, so its best not to take anything she offers you. She's good and talking to others about their feelings, but finds it harder to convey her own. 

"I promise this won't kill you."