


5 years, 5 months ago


(Link to FR here)

In his early life, Morokei lived in the Tangled Wood in an area known for its nightlife and devotion to entertainment. He was a musician with a rather unusual style, which appealed to the hip and trendy patrons passing through the tavern he called home. After playing a show he was known to indulge in any number of vices, staying up late to keep the party going with all the other musicians who had come to play. His quick temper, small size, and eagerness for a fight was just as entertaining to the other patrons as his musical skill.

One particularly boisterous and hazy night Morokei passed out soon after a performance, later waking up in the Golden Fiddle Tavern rather than his usual haunt. He was of course surprised, and asked everyone around how he could get back to his own town, but they were rather reluctant to tell him much about the Golden Fiddle Tavern and why he was not able to leave. He was frustrated with the lack of information, but many of the patrons made quick friends with him and he started to care less about what exactly happened that threw him into the limbo between worlds. For the most part, he assumed that some random magical event created by his awesome music triggered a tear between the two worlds and he fell through.

In addition to new friends, Morokei discovered another exciting feature of the Tavern - his tattoos now responded directly to his moods instead of being merely for decoration. The more emotional or angry he got, the more the tattoos started to faintly glow with his innate magical energy. It became a common occurrence for a friend of Morokei's to remark, goodness it is dark in here followed by someone else adding, don't you think punk music is terrible? - which of course led to a brightly glowing fae snarling TERRIBLE?!.

Morokei made quick friends with the brooding Paladin Captain Vedsahnir and the charismatic diplomat Kunzii, the latter of which suggested he start a band like the one he had in the Tangled Wood. Ved was very supportive, and arranged for a part of the lower level of the Tavern to be renovated into a stage and practice rooms. Around the time Morokei started auditioning dragons to be part of his band with Kunzii, he started to get horrific nightmares about the night he disappeared from his home tavern.

They become so intense and disturbing that after a few weeks Morokei couldn’t sleep anymore, and Ved urged him to visit Vahlokdozii about his troubles. Frustrated and exhausted, Morokei broke down and demanded an explanation as to how he ended up in the limbo between worlds and why he couldn’t leave the Tavern. Vahlokdozii finally felt that Morokei was ready for the truth, and told him that he had perished that night and that was why he could not return to the mortal world.

Morokei was distraught for many weeks, but with the support of Ved (“I can’t leave the Tavern either, so I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to think of ways to entertain ourselves”) and Kunzii, who devoted his time to helping with Morokei’s band (“I’m actually a pretty impressive singer, and it would be a lovely contrast to your… sound”), Morokei finally accepted what had happened and opened himself up for a fresh start in his new home.

Now, Morokei can be found practicing his particularly harsh style of music in the basement (away from sensitive ears), wandering the grounds with Ved, or entertaining his bandmates with his hilariously short temper and general dramaticness. Ved keeps him mostly out of trouble, though now that they are involved other dragons are more reluctant to pick fights with a tiny fae whose lover is the Paladin Captain anyway.