


5 years, 4 months ago




  •  Name   Elzilora 
  •  Age   Young 
  •  Height   3'2" 
  •  Occupation   Being a kid 
  •  Sexuality   N/A 
  •  Personality 

    Zilo is a very soft-spoken and shy girl. She's quiet and keeps to herself, not talking much. She hasn't had opportunity to make many friends, being the ward of a corpse disposal drone and also not attending the Academy.But, if you get her to open up, Zilo might let you in on her true interest. The macabre world of vulture culture. See, Zilo loves to go out when her caretaker lets her go play, and track down dead creatures, clean them up and line them up nice and tidy. She has a menagerie of small skulls, a bucket of pinned bugs, and a multitude of lost feathers and phalanges. It makes sense, really, knowing where she's grown up. Doesn't make it less gross, though.
  •  Appearance 

    See Gallery.
  •  Likes   list of likes 
  •  Dislikes   list of dislikes 
  •  Backstory 

    Elzilora was found wandering, with no recollection of where she was supposed to be. She was found by an irken named Drendle, who happened to be working in the corpse disposal bay where she was. His working theory is that she had been attending a funeral, and the trauma wiped her memory. But then, why didn't she have programming to tell her where to go back to, no matter how wiped her brain was? And whose funeral could it have been..?
    She's been growing up under his wing for a couple years now, but she's still young, and has a lot of growing to do. Zilo seems to be a bit strange, but it isn't like Drendle isn't strange too, so it works out. She can't attend the Academy, because it doesn't seem to be in her programming, and Dren doesn't know how to forge attendance data. So she stays in Dren's shack, plays in the bay, keeps to herself. It's alright, mostly.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Proin blandit justo augue, ac varius nunc vulputate vel. Vestibulum eu nunc id dolor ultricies placerat aliquam blandit urna. Vestibulum libero massa, pretium non ante et, tempus feugiat est. Phasellus vehicula ullamcorper ipsum in feugiat.
  •  Drendle   Caretaker 

    Dren found her out in the corpse disposal bay, took her in when there was no one else who could help her. He's about the closest thing she has to a father... the closest thing most irkens have to a father.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.
  •  Question 

    Integer eu rutrum tellus. Nulla facilisis neque eu massa rutrum, nec consectetur arcu bibendum. Nullam feugiat libero eu massa commodo volutpat.
  •  Question 

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.
  •  Question 

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
    • ● Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
    • ● Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • ● Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • ● Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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