Shellcall (Shellcall (RoR))



2 years, 6 months ago


  • 👑 Shellcall 👑

  • Gender Cisgender
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Faction RiverClan
  • Role Warrior
  • Alignment Lawful Good

"Frogs sing, they're just bad at it. They're proof you should do what you love even if other people think you suck."

Overall, Shellcall is a sweet cat. She's supportive and curious, even if she can be a bit dull at times. She was born out of RiverClan, and can be stubborn, but RiverClan truly pulled her out of her shell - hence her name!

She's been stubborn since she was a kit. That being said, Shellcall has always had a big heart and a place for everyone within it. She's seen people of all sorts, and smiled and talked to them, and is always ready to give someone a second, third, or fourth chance. To her friends, she's known for her supportive nature, never going to say no to something just because she thinks they can't do it. She's happy-go-lucky and excitable, active and loud, and that's what most people love about her. Nobody could say they necessarily disagree with her, though perhaps they could be unsettled by her. She has a tendency to push people out of their comfort zones, even if it's just a little.

Still, Shellcall adores everyone she comes in contact with once she gets to know them. She often finds herself nervous around some cats, but with time she'll force herself to try again and again to get to know these cats. She's a forgiving cat by nature.


DoC: January 8th, 2019
Origin: Loner
Height: 13.3'
Build: Lanky & Thin
Demeanor: Sweet & Excitable
  • Trout
  • Spring
  • Pale Blue
  • Raven
  • Leaf-bare
  • Black


Emotional Control

❇️ Origins

sheila and sanders were a happy couple. coming toward the end of leafbare, they decided they wanted a family, and rushed to start one.

❇️ Childhood

however, when sheila gave birth, it wasn't a happy story. there was only one kit, almost identical to her mother, and sheila passed away shortly after the birth due to weakness. the end of leafbare still had a cruel grip on this family. sanders, stricken with grief, named his only kit after her mother, and tried to raise her on his own. a she-cat came by to help and allow the poor kit to nurse, but even then, sanders was growing weaker and weaker with guilt and grief. eventually, sanders passed away when his kit was weaned from milk, and in the loss of her last parent, sheila ran away from the she-cat that promised to take care of her. she ran into a kind she-cat named moosebelly, the medicine cat of a barely starting clan. moosebelly took the kit in, pleading to her father that she definitely saw the stars sparkle off this kit - even if moosebelly herself was blind. renamed shellkit, the little kit is trying to figure out if moosebelly was serious, or if she was lying to keep her safe.

❇️ Adolescence

despite the last two moons of her kithood being somewhat uneventful, shellkit was given the name shellpaw and moved onto the next chapter of her life. halfstar gave her chickenwing as a mentor, and she couldn't be more excited! during her apprenticeship, she met and grew close to cherrypaw, made a dance with chickenwing on the ice, and even took to babysitting kits! she also met silverkit, a shy little kitten who was a little bundle of nerves but amazingly brilliant, shellpaw thought. she also met puffinpaw and carminepaw, and found she saw herself in puffinpaw. precious! when her friend, cherrypaw, ranked up, shellpaw nervously offered him a shell to congratulate him. it was a little late, but nonetheless, a sweet gesture. a couple moons later, shellpaw was met with her own assessment, she took down a tasty brown thrasher, leaping high in the air and just barely catching it. proud of her, her mentor told halfstar she was ready, and it was time to rank.

❇️ Adulthood

shellpaw was given the name shellcall and held her name proudly. immediately, though, she and her friend cherrytuft were given apprentices in silverpaw and silkpaw. excited, shell was fully willing to take on the insane challenge!

❇️ Retirement

To be written...



[ Friend ] Moosebelly was the one who brought me to RiverClan! You know, I actually wanted to be a medicine cat at first because of her - but then I met Chickenwing. Moosebelly is still cool, though, herbs and all. She's really sweet.



[ Mentor ] Chickenwing is my mentor! He's awesome, he's been teaching me tons and we've been close since I was a kit. He's like a big brother or a dad to me, not that I ever really had one.. But he's like one to me. I love him.



[ Crush ] Cherrypaw is so cool... he's cute, and brave, and mysterious, and brooding. He cares a lot about me and I think he's a really great person. He's offstandish, but I really like him... I wonder what these feelings are.



[ Best Friend ] Lotuspaw is my BFE! My best friend forever! We finish eachother's sentences and have this connection I can't explain. We clicked almost immediately, and were able to talk to a TREE together!



[ Acquantaince ] He was kinda mean to me, but it was pretty funny. We had a great snow fight! He seems kinda slow... Hmmm.



[ Acquantaince ] He's a scardey cat - and I'm gonna pull him outta his shell! Just you wait, Leafpaw. >:Dc



[ Relatonship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.
