Mako - Water Hydra Deity



5 years, 4 months ago



Name: Mako

Gender: Male

Age: Eons old but is unable to recollect the memories of his past beyond the last twenty years or so.

Height/Weight: 5'7" and 163 lbs (mostly muscle)

Personality: Docile and is known to keep more to himself.  He doesn't talk much and tries to act calm, cool and collected as he desires to be admired but doesn't have as much vocalized self-worth as some of his more..Boastful deity brethren. That is not to say he isn't prideful, just not as loud about it, as he believes their ways of attracting followers is distasteful and immature. Wise; a very deep thinker, often times silent since he thinks way more than he talks. Dislikes confrontation and will avoid it entirely if possible. Down to earth. Somewhat self-conscious and he does for the most part, dislike social-interaction. Also dislikes confrontation and conflict/fighting and will avoid it entirely if possible.

Flaw(s): Near-sighted, judge-mental (but most often keeps his opinions in his head)

Interest(s): Science; more specifically, Geology as well as Anatomy and Physiology since he takes a major interests in other beings and how they function. He loves folklore, alchemy, pyrotechnics and archaeology.

Extra: Is the Deity of the water half of the Hydra
Is able to obtain his dragon form which is much longer and more slender in body structure compared to those his fellow deitys can obtain. In this form, as well as his 'human' form, he is able to breathe underwater as well as cry tears which he can solidify or make gooey to use for means of combat for trapping his opponents. The pads of his feet are always soaking wet so he often just walks around barefoot since wearing soggy shoes is troublesome.

In Hydra form, he stands 7 ft in height while his wing span is 14 ft.