Alligal Ivybloom



5 years, 5 months ago


  • Alligal Ivybloom
  • Male
  • Bosmer
  • Thief
  • Worshipper of Mara


  • Alligal is the Dragonborn, aka Dovahkiin.
  • He is the Guild Master of the Thieves Guild and a Nightingale.
  • An extremely skilled and stealthy archer and a thief. Carries daggers when forced to fight close-combat, but still prefers his bows and arrows. 
  • Honeyed words. Despite what one might first assume of him, Alligal knows how to work his speech in his favour, especially when there is something to gain. If intensely nervous, however, it is game over for him, and he will begin to stumble on his own words. But only if he's been so thrown off by his own nerves that he cannot think.
  • Not familiar with magic, however, his natural ability as a bosmer to control animals is easy for him to do.
  • Owns Auriel's Bow.
  • Has a very unyielding, free-spirited and bold personality. Early on in the story, he had an emotional and avoidant personality when it came to real conflict, such as when dealing with the dragons, but as the story progressed he began to harden. His time spent with Aicerion led to him gaining more courage and inspired him to take his own path, instead of fearing where others would lead him. His spirit, however, remains unchanged. Described by many as charming and lively (and unbearable by Aicerion), he can also be sly and mischievous. Alligal remains a highly emotional person, and isn't shy to shed tears if a situation pains him, but he has become a sharper, less fearful person with time and experience, having taken on some of Aicerion's attitude towards conflict. There are also aspects of his personality where he can be unusually cold, often as a result of previous bad experience.
  • Highly sentimental. Takes well care of gifts and names every weapon he owns.
  • Carries the amulet of Auriel, gifted later on by the Thalmor Justiciar Aicerion, a man who he tied fates with during the attack of Helgen. Gifted before his fight with Alduin, he keeps the amulet tucked under his armour to ensure its safety.
  • Can eat and drink anything despite it being burning hot. It does not affect his throat, mouth or stomach.
  • Did not want to acknowledge the fact that he was the Dragonborn for a long while, in the start of his story. He tried to escape his fate and because he did not follow the traditional, remained ignorant what the Dragonborn truly was, and feared for a long time that he was a dragon at heart, or that the Nords were trying to push their agenda on him.
  • Alligal is illiterate. He can only make out a few letters.
  • Grew up in the Honorhall Orphanage in Riften. Grelod the Kind was younger then but no less horrible. One of his many 'punishments' besides beatings, neglect and overwork, was humiliation by making him read a whole book out-loud when he couldn't, otherwise him and the other children would not get fed. She also often locked him into the punishment room, where he was shackled to the wall. He later killed her and felt no remorse for it.
  • Was on terrible terms with Aicerion until roughly the middle end of their main story. Alligal persisted to try pushing Aicerion's buttons, wanting to know what made him tick, what made him feel, and his purpose. This led to both conflict and ironically for the two to grow closer.
  • Was caught trying to cross the border. It still remains unknown why he was there.
  • Alligal was only a second away from losing his life before Alduin attacked Helgen. But it was when Alligal couldn't stand up on his own to escape that true terror hit him. He was bound down and screamed for his life. Aicerion freed him from his binds, saving his life.
  • Has an intense fears for the undead and vampires. Later on, he grows less fearful of the undead such as Draugr, but still resents vampires - except Serana, whom he developed a friendship with.
  • Was turned into a vampire when he got seduced by one who posed as a sex worker. He got himself cured later on with the help of Aicerion.
  • Alligal was part of the Thieves Guild before the events at Helgen. In fact, he had been a member for roughly 35 years, making him around 15 when he first joined.
  • Took Mercer's betrayal incredibly personal. Mercer's betrayal happened after Alligal had been away from the Guild for a long time after a traumatic time at Helgen. This, combined with the fact that he saw Mercer as a father-figure, shattered him.
  • Alligal is close to all the members in the Guild, and especially so with Brynjolf and Niruin. He became a natural leader after Mercer, and despite his otherwise greedy nature, he is gradually bringing them back to their former glory.
Creators: Carriwitchet & Zemael

Design Notes

  • Tall for a wood elf, but on the shorter side for the rest. ( 170cm / 5'6" )
  • Hair and scars appear different depending on where he's at in the story.

