Wild Card



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Aine Diarmid
Age Looks 25
Gender Female
Height 5’8”
Build Bombshell
Race God?
Role Retired Chaos




  • Her coat has 3 slits on either side of her stomach.
  • The roses can be enlarged or shrunken, it all is up to her mood.
  • Yes her shoes have three toes, they detach to act like claws so she can tackle hard terrain easier.
  • She doesn’t really have a birthname, Aine Diarmid was a placeholder.
  • She has a nasty bite, big sharp canines to dig deep into the skin. But they can be sheathe in and out.
  • Aine doesn't have many abilities besides firepower and awful creation, so as a result you won't see her shifting to other forms very often.

“Wild Card”


As her nickname preceeds her, Wild Card is constantly unpredictable, no one really knows what she is thinking about, and she'd like to keep it like that. Despites how much publicity she gains from her humongous feats of power she hates when the attention turns sour. She's not dumb, she knows when she's being played around with and has absolutely no tolerance for it. It's the opposite when the tables are turned however, a large brain leads for bigger ploys, and constantly intrigued with the constant swirling of components that makes a relationship. In summary, a basic manipulator.

If you think her nickname also implies that she is an extrovert, you would be incredibly accurate, she has the charisma, prescence and confidence to deal with anybody that comes her way. She's not the most kindest however, let's not get that confused, she will have the words to fake the look of kindness, but her temper and patience plays a different tale. As a result her "friends" tend to be delinquents, or people who have difficult backgrounds and been on the streets. As in people who know how to play the game properly and survive.



  • rock candy
  • brain teasers
  • thrills
  • Suspense Series


  • Restraints
  • Ginger
  • Cats
  • Mushy Foods


”Now where did you come from sweetheart?”

No one really knows where Wild Card came from, some rumoured that one of the gods pricked their finger on a rose and sprung from the shed blood, and some rumored that she’s been here for a while, maybe a failsafe if the world goes bad but got tired of waiting. One thing that wasn‘t a rumor? Her insane destruction and ability to wreak havoc anywhere if need be. That being acknowledged, its been a pain trying to keep her contained for a while, and every single she breaks out? Only gets angrier and angrier.

So how do you handle a fallen god that has an obvious problem with being held inside cage-like areas? Add that she is uncontrollable, not a doll and certainly no longer a pawn. Simple, you let her out, into a world that isn't as important as others, made by a low level cosmicy and let her run loose. She can create as much chaos as she wants and she's theoretically free. Theoretically of course. She's not dumb, she knows what the gods are planning for her, to run as wild to eventually be tamed. She can't always have that much energy, she'll eventually run out right?



Chaggan Weight and Guard


She doesn't hate him. Even when you see her seething at the words, she's being honest with the statement. She just really despises the thought that even when the gods gave her this supposed “world” to be independent on, here is this guy holding her powers back and constantly watching her like a unwanted pair of eyes.

Yupo Partner in crime


She and Yupo immediately clicked, she would be considered on best friend status with Aine, enjoying the banter and excitement that comes with it. But the bond is merely surface deep, they're not emotionally connected with each other, but maybe that's why the friendship works out so well.

Name relationship


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Roxanne Part in crime #2


Aine isn’t what you call friends with Roxanne, but she has this strong quiet type vibe that she really likes, plus she adds some fun to her plots. At least Yupo knows how to talk to her.