


5 years, 5 months ago


layout design by rautic code by BunBox


paranoid ✛ timid ✛ kind-hearted
1.74m (5ft 7in)

October 1
Asexual, demiromantic
In a relationship with Alberich
Please, stay away from me... Don't get any closer...

Early life


When she was 7 her parents divorced. Her dad took Cookie Dough - her younger by 2 years sister - with him, leaving Chocolatte with her mom. Ever since she started going to school, her life began to go downhill. Her mom - an abusive and manipulative depressed businesswoman who's addicted to alcohol - wanted Chocolatte to have the best grades from every subject at schooland forced her to study and learn all the time, giving her barely any free time. She kept telling Choco that without good grades she won't achive anything in life. With this pressure or her shoulders, Choco was studying for hours every day, barely leaving the house. She didn't want to dissapoint and anger her mom, she knew how that would end. That, obviously, didn't have a good impact on her mental health. She was so busy studying, she didn't have time to make friends and to interact with her classmates. Through her entire education she would make one friend, Skipper - a classmate. Skipper asked Chocolatte one day if they could study together, because he always sees her studying and he though she could explain some metarials to him. They often met up to study together and sometimes bitch about stuff. Chocolatte opened up to him about her mom's abuse, telling him that she might run away someday, because the stress she's putting her through was destroying her. He told her that if she ever needs help, she can some straight to him, because he always will be there form her.

The nightmare began

When she was 17, she finally decided to stand up to her mother. She told her how much damage she's done to her, but she just brushed Choco's comments of like her words meant nothing to her. She dragged Choco to her room and locked her in there and yelled at her that she should be greatful and study, instead of being a bitch to her. Choclatte sat on the floor and started crying uncontrollably, she felt so helpless. After a solid couple of minutes she didn't have any more tears to cry out, so she started looking around her room for something that she could break the windows with. She couldn't just open it, because she'd need a key, which her mom hid somewhere. She threw anything she possibly could at the glass untill it broke. She jumped out the window and quickly ran away as fast and as far as possible. The moment she started wondering what she should do now, she reminded herself of what Skipper told her, so she started going towards where he lived. When she knocked on his door, he immediately opened, as if he knew she's gonna come here. She explained him what before she came to him happened. He was shocked and without thinking told her that she could stay with him for as long as she needed. It was getting really late, so she asked if she could go to sleep. Skipper didn't even let her finish the sentence and quickly agreed, telling her to take the couch in the living room, as it's more comfortable. She was slightly weirded out by the way he acted, but she didn't pay much attention to it and went to sleep. When she woke up, she noticed that she was in a completly different room and that she was chained by one of her legs to a wall-mounted heater. She stared panicking and crying, once she heard footsteps, which sounded as if someone was walking down the stairs. Through her crying she could make out the sound of a door opening, she looked in the direction the sound came from. She saw her best friend Skipper and looked at him in disbelief and disgust. He just told her that this is for her own good, left a plate with food on the floor and came back upstairs. Choco obviously didn't touch the plate as it might've been poisoned by him, she just sat in a corner and cried. She managed to break the chains using her magic. She quickly stood up and went to the door and tried her best to open it. Once Skipper heard the door open, he immediately ran down to see what happened. He couldn't believe that the love of his life tried to run away from him and leave him. He broke her horn and threathened to do more harm if she ever tried to run away from him. That didn't stop her from trying, she tried many times after that which ended in scars and stiches. She gave up and lived 1 year with the obsessive psychopath that she once used to call her best friend. Luckily for her, one day Skipper had to leave the house, but forgot to close any door. She decided to make a run for it, and hurried as far away as her weak body let her. She didn't care where she was going, as long as it was far away from Skipper, it didn't matter to her. After a long time of walking, running and searching she came across an old abandoned hotel. She look through all of the room, looking for one she could stay at for a long time. The hotel didn't look tragically bad on the inside, though outside it looked like a complete ruin. She stayed there to gain back her strength and heal physically and mentally. She spend there 2 years in peace.

Intimidating, but kind stranger

She would've stayed there for longer, if she didn't saw Skipper walking around the hotel one day. She was scared he's going to find her and lock her in the basement again, so she decided to run away once again. This time she went into the woods, she thought it will be harded for Skipper to find here there. This day wasn't her lucky day, because while wondering around the forest, she caught attention of two gigantic bears which started running after her. She dashed through the trees as fast as she could, trying to escape the bears.She was so focused on running, she didn't notice a tree root right in fron of her and she tripped, which let the big animals catch up to her. She started yelling and crying out for help, she was scared of what could happen to her. She tried to crawl away from them. When she turned around to face them, she saw one of them laying on the ground, dead, with an axe it it's head. She started looking around for the other bear in fear, but instead she saw a big, muscular figure standing over her. She was paralized with fear and cound do anything, so he quickly picked her up and started carying her somewhere. She was shaking and crying the entire way, so eventually she passed out due to how drained she was. She gained her consciousness in a small, cozy bedroom. She wanted to look around the room, but her attention was caught by the strong figure that saved her earlier, sitting on the floor with his head leaning against the bed she was laying in. After some time of looking at him and admiring his form, she decided to gently wake him up, so she could finally thank him. She learnt that her savior's name is Alberich. They had a friendly conversation and afterwards, Alberich asked her is she could stay with him. Chocolatte, surprised but happy at the thought of living with him, happily agreed.

Present times


Though her life was hard and filled with misfortune and disasters, she finally found happiness - in the arms of a murdered that saved her life. She loves Alberich with her whole heart and is very greatful that she met him. She cherishes every moment she spends with him. She can finally forget about all the bad people that stepped into her life and be happy.


height: 1.74m (5ft 7in)
eyes: yellow
hair color: dark beige with grayish yellow ombre
build: skinny
occupation: none
fluff type: short and slightly fluffy
  • Always wears the medical mask on
  • Big eyebags from rarely sleeping
  • Cracked horn


  • Because her horn broken, she has problems with using magic. Eveytime she uses it, she gets headaches and sometimes her nose bleeds
  • Always wears a mask, because she's insecure of how her mouth looks, she can't even look at it (she sometimes takes it off around Darago)
  • Loves stuffed animals, while she lived at the abbandoned hotel she made herself a white bunny to keep her company. She named it Angel.
  • She keep her hair in a bun for her comfort, as her dad used to style her hair in a bun when she was younger. It's not very practical, because she doesn't tie all of the hair.
  • Because her mother took normal childhood away from her, she likes doing childish things and things she could do as a child. She age regresses to give herself the childhood she never had.

Did I tell you already how much I love you?

She fell in love with him, the moment he saved her life. Even though he's big and scary, she feels comforted by his presence. He doesn't judge her for her scars and stitches and loves her the way she is.

I miss you so much...

She feels bad for running away and not telling her anything, she must've been so worried

Y-you've already ruined me, what else d-do you want from me?

Her ex best friend, kidnapper and stalker. She hopes he will someday repay for what he has done to her.
