


5 years, 5 months ago


Nat Nissen

15 ✦ male ✦ totally not possesed



Nat was born in Denmark and spent most of his childhood living with his grandma or on his own (well, with a babysitter), later traveling from city to city, because of always busy parents. His whole file changed when one day they took him on vacations to his grandfathers house - wooden cattage somewhere in the woods in North America. Problems with sleep and weird visions. And everything got even more complicated when after years he suddenly had to come back here, stay for longer and meet his childhood demons. (Literally demons, technically)



Rather tall for his age. Lanky. Pale skin with lots of dark freckles and marks, dark circles under eyes caused by lack of sleep. Light hazel eyes that look yellow in light, that was the cause why other kids joked that he's a werewolf in schools (he didn't really like it). Messy black hair that often covers part of his face, he lives with a constant bedhead. Likes to wear cozy clothes in dark or warm colors. Often seen with his guitar case.

  • music (he sings and plays the guitar)
  • spending all days at lurking social media
  • tortillas
  • summer and autumn
  • good tea
  • going out
  • too much noise
  • the wild(tm)
  • new people
  • moving out

"Okay everyone, no need to panic, just turn off the light and stay still while I summon some wild spirits"



He's in a pact with black demon (ven) named Metsamies. It started accidentaly, but at the end they decided to keep it up and even became friends. One of Mets' eyes is hidden inside Nat's body, so the demon can see what he's doing even from far away, communicate with him and (sometimes) use his body. Nat was born on the halloween day - because of that he's really vunerable to possesions and on centrain days his body works as an "open gate" for paranormal spirits.



profile html by Hukiolukio