Trap spider



5 years, 5 months ago


Real name: Lane 

Alias- Trap spider- spiderlane

Job:  retail stock

Location, vertical New York- a futuristic new York city where city is built in levels to better handle space. Lower levels have no natural light. This results in many levels with lots of shadows, perfect for hiding, and setting traps.


Lane was a normal college student taking there supplemental classes. 

 Olivia is witness to lane's freak-out when they first started to experience there new powers( they had called out sick.) Olivia came back from work early hoping to make sure she didn't spread something from the lab and studies. Just to come in and see lane was stuck to the ceiling which caused more freaking out via lane. It took about an hour of screaming, lane freaking out, leaving a good sized claw mark in the wall...that they both had to repair. 


 Lane adamant about telling no one calmed down Olivia's excited side, since lane did not want to be a guinea pig for tests. Oliva proceeded to come up with ideas on what to do to provoke lane to test there abilities.  


Olivia eventually started to suggest things to get Lane to test his abilities as they bought a lot of comic books and started working on a design based on Lane's insectoid like abilities. This resulted in a gender neutral spidersuit, that lane appreciated but did not try on. 

 (tragic event)

(During this time a family member from back at home was getting into the crime scene to get extra cash. Lane was vaguely aware but did not get involved. Not being aware of the level of trouble that they had gotten into as they started running drugs for money. This was going on for some time. Lane having gone to a family outing and not seeing them called. They were asking the other to come visit them, in which Lane did despite it being on the lowest levels.)


Lane made sure to catch Olivia afterwards, still in shock, (after event not specified) asking if they were still on the whole super hero thing. Olivia was luckily still on it, and  Lane offered to try this super hero gig thing that their friend was raving about if they added something to help with digging and cave ins, and asked if they might make a jacket for when it got cold.  This resulted in the suit getting a backpack. Lane was took  a weekend to  test the equipment with Olivia. 


Olivia using a drone to watch over Lane's movements and abilities. A speaker in the mic allowed Olivia to instruct the spider as Lane explored and moved to explore the service tunnels.  Tested the web shooters and the web bombs.  These tunnels were old but led to many different locations that allowed lane to pop up in many places without having to be exposed to the surface or bright lights attached to the higher levels.  


Lane has used this to reach higher levels of the city during the night time to explore the rich upperclass levels and practice web slinging. Flinging themselves from building to building. 


 Olivia was originally hired as an intern in star labs, but got hired officially by stark industries later. This result in upgrades to Lane's suit being upgraded and getting a iron suit upgrade by Olivia's testing proto type designs.  That lane does not like, just because it is new and feels odd.

prosnight vision
super strength
super speed
super durability
enhanced agility
enhanced stamina
enhanced  reflexes/reaction
enhanced coordination
enhanced  balance and endurance
spider physiology -wallcraling
spider senses
web shooter- water based webbing
hyper Borrowing
tremor sensitivity
consSensitivity to light
 Will jump if they feel like the ground is crumbling


 Lanes prefers to stay out of light, including spot lights, search lights, and even sun light, but it does not cause physical damage. Can be flashed as a way to stun. Lane will respond by moving away from source. If there is no danger they may stay in the light. if not, they 

 Fingers do sport sharp nails and the ability to use super strength in conjunction to cause massive amounts of damage and can rip through some metals.  Normally avoids doing this.

 Lane is lazy in a sense they will set a ton of traps and wait for there prey(bad guys to go running into them). Lane does tend to stay out of sight, was actually more of an urban legend when they first year of heroism,  leaving webs that would disappear so there was no proof until some people got a couple blurry pictures. Cops have caught them in spot lights once or twice but they tend to flee the light very quickly, or down right attack and destroy the source. 

 Lane does chat but is passive unless actively engaged. While trapping they are quiet, when directly engaged they are chatty and condescending. If someone that is not super human tries to directly engages them, they may show a direct show of power to directly discourage the action, such as leaving claw marks in a solid object or even crushing something tough. Normally giving the person a chance to back down before they do damage to them. 

 Lane can dig through concrete fairly quickly , dirt fast, and can bend metal with normally little issue unless hurt.  They handle normal level lights, it's brighter ones that annoy them,  and super bright lights that drive them away. 


Cops are still working to handle the mysterious trap spider. This results in searches  with lights that normally will drive trap away from a scene unless there is something they desire greatly. Will stay in the area if searchers are using thermal or night vision Goggles over lights.


  • backpack- contains and is a part of their metal suit, it's early nano-tech while the backpack takes up the chest and back to keep safe vitals. Metal suit does have legs from the back as well as rockets in the feet, robotic legs used for stabilization.  Can be used for combat but lane is not to versed in doing this.
  • web grenades- ball holding tightly packed webbing that shoots out in multiple directions,
  • gauntlets and claws-  titanium tipped claws- not good for back scratching. 
  • Oxygen emergency pack- can last 30 extra minutes when connected.


Olivia octavies(doc. octopus)- college student and room mate.

Originally convinced lane to take up the spiderperson mantle. Made their suit and is having them test gadgets themed for their suit.  Looking to become find new scientific discoveries. And is Analyzing Lane's blood to isolate the source of the mutations.





Kraven the hunter- is working to try and hunt down the trap spider. After police try to cut down on the vigilante due to some of the cops being targeted due to corruption. Some others also get caught in the webs from time to time.  




