


5 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Main Theme

Destroid - Annihilate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivi1e-yCPcI

Side Theme 1

Horns ft. Tylor Maurer - KUURO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87NrsVd3JMU

Side Theme 2

Epic Mountain - End of Space - https://soundcloud.com/epicmountain/simulation


Oviceris, the God of Chaos

A being from long before common life appeared amongst the lands of Popstar and one who disappeared without a trace beneath the sands of the Muirsach Sea. From his terror within his own empire to the misdeeds he commits amongst the world in the present, he's no short of evil as on can get.
His mortal enemy is the very being that sealed his city beneath the fluid sands, Mustora ,the Lord of Equilibrium. In the near future, they will face once again, the outcome unknown. This time, fate appears to be against the God of Chaos however, as there is much more than a goddess holding him back.

Skills, Abilities, and More

Ram - Fullbody Ram
Burrowing - Anything concrete and lower in toughness, it can burrow through with ease.
Dark matter abilities - Possession, Fragmentation, and Flight.
> Possession - Can possess an individual, either via energy or fragment embedding
> Fragmentation - Can split into different sentient parts.
> Flight
Chaos - Oozes an aura of chaotic energy. Proximity to it increases the chance of daemonic mutation.
Corruption - Using it's obsidian-like dark matter, it can corrupt those susceptible to manipulation.
Shapeshiting - As his body is made of sand, he can  take the form of what he needs, depending on the amount of sand nearby.
Regeneration - ^
Terrible screech / Terrible Aura - A loud ear piercing screech emanates from within it's maze-like core, instilling terror in even the toughest of wills.