


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Amora ((Blackberry))

Age: 8

Species: reindeer

Amora is Framboesa's deceased younger sister. During a particularly bad snowstorm, she was taking care of her older sister, who was sick. Worried about her, Amora decided to go out and get some more wood to keep the fire going, if awake her sister would have protested against this, as Amora is still small and doesn't know her way around the forest yet.

She went out into the woods, and when gathering sticks, sheslipped and rolled down the small hill leading to the creak, the water was too cold for her to make it back.

When Framboesa woke up she knew exactly what Amora wanted to do and despite her fever, went out into the woods to find her beloved sister and and only family left, blurry eyes because of her tears that froze her eyelashes mixed with her being weakened by fever, caused her to smash hard agains a tree and break one of her antlers, she passed out before getting to Amora.

Amora doesn't want her sister to be left all alone, and refuses to move on, but she does not blame her at all nor is she mad about it, she just wants her big sis to be happy.

*her bear is named Sprinkles

*when her ghost is present, the smell of the perfume she liked to use(too much of) will fill the air