


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: 月亮流血


Birthday: October Seventh 

Gender: Fluid 

Pronouns: He/Him or She/Her or They/Them 

Sexuality: Lesbian 

Alignments: MBTI | Chaotic Neutral | Hufflepuff | Libra | Sollux | Prospit | Hope | Libnius 

Personality/History: Friendly to all, trusting to few. Was born as a god's creation, but quickly began to rebel against the god for trying to control them. Learned quickly from this commonly drunk god that trusting is a bad thing and that you should be careful of who you trust. Eventually ended up running away to the mortal realm, not before stealing a really magical necklace though. Their creator god got pretty furious, and is now on the hunt for them in the mortal realm. 

They tend to travel around a lot, for reasons that are probably obvious at this point. They'll take anyone on their adventures if they either get to dump them off at a random place later or can actually trust them, and it's unfortunately usually the former. Unrealized to them, they actually act mostly from fear, as they can get quite nervous just in general but also when thinking about the literal god that's after them. 

They don't really talk a lot, and especially never give away their true name, due to fear of being found. This makes people tend to ignore them, not that they are bothered by this, as they are perfectly happy being alone.

Likes: Warmth, fire, snuggles, beaches, salt, puns, being alone, learning, daydreaming, jokes about hell and demons, blankets, peace, accepting people, gold, bees, sunsets, music, sleep, caramel 

Dislikes: Alcohol, people knowing a lot about them, crowds, children, judgement, blood, heights, death, high pitched noises, crying, strawberries, elephants, lying, ignorance, close-minded people 

Inventory: Magical necklace, Gold coins 


> Necklace grants them a heck ton of abilities, including - Flame Creation, Warping/Teleporting, Body Melting 

> Based off of bakenekos 

> God they were born under specifically is to be determinded, considering alcohol and/or moon god 

> Pronounce their name however you'd like, call them duck for all i care