


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Nightshade
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual......???
Age: 20 moons
Clan: TwisterClan
Rank: Deputy
Personality: Nightshade has always been reserved and quiet even as a kit. She has a heroic streak in her, and is not afraid to jump into action to help someone who needs it. She comes off as rude due to her snapping back at those who aggravate her and being quiet around those who don't. She is good at hiding her emotions and often pretends to feel different than how she really feels to get more information. She values the warrior code an awful lot and can be a stickler for it at times.
History: Nightshade's mom wasn't the kindest growing up and her father was nowhere to be seen- but even with that Nightshade looked up to her mom. Her mom would scold Nightshade for talking a lot of the times and that made a large impact in her personality. She would have changed anything about herself for her mother. Shortly after Nightshade became an apprentice, her mom was killed by a fox. Because of this, Nightshade has a certain paranoia of foxes. She probably could not be trusted in hunting one down due to her shaking every time she smells one. After she became a warrior, Nightshade was full of pride in her clan. She has continued to help her clan to the best of her ability ever since.

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