Frank Horrigan



5 years, 5 months ago


Frank is part of the Lo Pan Club, he used to work in a lab but had an accident involving nuclear waste, this caused him to develop increased strength, speed and senses, and grow some extra limbs. He got recruited by Adler due to his survival and overall physical and mental stability after the accident. He’s usually calm and collected but he only smiles in a somewhat evil and scary way.

Extra Data:

-Other members try to avoid him because he gives them the creeps, except for Adler who wants to run experiments on him.

-His boots were a gift from his previous work colleagues that he received on the day of the accident and refuses to remove them, even when he showers (if he takes showers).

-He and Lanius are best friends and like challenging each other to philosophical battles. They mostly end in a draw or a rock-paper-scissors fight.

-When he sees a melon he screams “meh-lon” and rushes towards it no matter what.