Fujisaki Ayaka



5 years, 8 months ago


Ayaka Fujisaki


Biographical Information

• Japanese Name
• Rōmaji Name
Fujisaki Ayaka
• Alias

Personal Description

• Birthday
May 4th
• Age
• Gender
• Height
• Hair Color
Green and pink
• Eye Color
• Blood Type
• Quirk


• Status
• Birthplace
Ibaraki Prefecture
• Family
Mother, Father
• Occupation
• Affiliation
U.A. Highschool
• Fighting Style
Aikido variants

"You can't give up! Because I believe in you"

Fujisaki is a relatively short girl with green hair that swaps to pink at the ends of the longest part. It is generally tied up in a flower-style bun, offcentered to the right at the nape of her neck. She has several medium sized pink flowers growing at her part line on the right side of her head. They constantly grow and replace themselves, to keep the bunch looking fresh.
Her eyes are opened wide and rounded. They are green, with a floral shaped pupil.

Her hero costume is a pink and green long-sleeved jumpsuit, designed to be mid-thigh shorts and fairly baggy overall. Her boots have cleated soles. She has a floral mask that covers half of her face.

Fujisaki is a very cheerful, kind of loud, peppy person. Her class considers her one of the cheerleaders and always assume she will be there in the sidelines either cheering them on, or waiting once a match is over to tell them how amazing they were, or help their confidence if they lost.
She's a fairly basic girl beyond that, known to keep her heart on her sleeve and carry rather blunt, plain emotions. There are no hidden emotions in her; if she is sad she'll show she's sad. If she's happy, she'll show she's happy without trying to contain it. If she's mad, everyone will know. Instead of physical displays, she'll state it bluntly, or explain very plainly how and why she's feeling this way.

It was Fujisaki's dream to become a hero and help others, and even if her quirk is kind of poor for the field, she still believes she can help people through her words and if need be-- physical force.

At a very young age, her parents could tell she'd inhereted her father's 'Green Thumb' quirk. Or, so they thought, since she was born with sprouts on her head much like her father's own. It was only after she'd reached the proper age did they realize she'd gained a horrible combination of both parents. With her mother's gut-based inhale-and-shoot, and her father's floral additions, her quirk revealed itself as, essentially, floral vomit. Instead of dissuading, her mother immediately started teaching her how to do martial arts. More specifically, she taught her how to do body throws and anything that would help her use the enemy's own size and attack against them, since Fujisaki was a fairly small, unmuscled girl.

She was a little surprised when UA accepted her after a slightly awkward, flower-puke based entrance exam.

Now that she's in UA, she refuses to let any moment go to waste. She's always ready to spend time with her friends, or other classmates, even if they're in other classes just to get more and more experience. When the schools go on away-trips to tournaments, she's always right there (sometimes requesting to come along when it's not even her class in the tournament) ready to cheer them on. Every day, she's excited to look for the biggest and the best to befriend and see if they can help her fine-tune her quirk. Or, if not? If they'd just like to be a friend. .

Hanahaki (花吐き): Fujisaki has a stomach full of flowers she can vomit at will. They're self-replicating, but easily triggered by the smallest of situations.


- Ground Coverage: Vomits on the ground, like an oil slick, making traction difficult for hyper-mobile quirk users.
- Smoke screen: Vomits into the air, releasing enough flower petals to disrupt vision. This also doubles as a 'bomb' that can be done directly in the opponent's face to startle/disgust them and provide her a quick get-away. .

• Advantages:
Despite everything, she does tend to have pleasant breath and a floral scent. During sunny days, she almost seems supercharged
• Disadvantages:
Containing that many flowers in her stomach that are constantly multiplying disrupts her digestive system and has her on a rather plain diet. She's prone to motion sickness, too, and easily throws up on accident, sometimes if she even gets too excited.

3/5 C

2/5 D

3/5 C

4/5 B

5/5 A

• Her costume design has a water bottle attached at the hip, since plain water helps revive her flower count and soothes her sore throat after throwing up. Her costume has to remain baggy, as well, especially in the stomach area. Too much pressure against her gut will trigger her very quick gag reflex. The problem of throwing up frequently continues on until she grows up, much later in life. Though, there are still moments even as an adult that she can't contain her excitement and triggers the reflex.

• Fujisaki has one, slightly green canine tooth designed like a fang. In reality, it's a thorn, themed from her mother's spike-quirk. She can snap it off with her tongue and use it in the flower-bomb as an extra weapon. It grows back within a day. Originally, Fujisaki was going to be more sassy and sarcastic, with floral sideburns, dual fangs, and no other flower mutation. She went through about three other changes before settling on her current look.

• Though designed to be her own character, Fujisaki is shipped with Inasa Yoarashi, and her pro-hero design for later in life is a redesign of the two deciding to work each other's old costume in to the new designs.