Shou Hamasaki



5 years, 8 months ago


Name?: Shou Hamasaki

Gender/Pronouns?: Shou is male, going by he/him pronouns 

Age?: Shou is 16. 

Schooling?: Shou is a 1st year at U.A. High. He’s most interested in the hero course for combat with villains rather than any rescue professions.

Family?: Shou has both of his parents. His father has a quirk which made all of his hair into feathers, giving him a fluffy and lovable look about him. This quirk is almost useless if he wanted to be a hero yet, being a hero never really struck him as a job for him. He currently works at a business firm. His mother has a quirk that enables her to jump relatively high and also allows her to adjust the speed at which she falls. She was going to apply for a hero high school but her parents had convinced her not to, in fear that she may get killed by a villain if she put herself out there as a pro hero. So, she took regular high school classes rather than hero courses and found herself settled down with Shou’s father and works as a grade school teacher. Shou has a younger sister that’s around nine years old. She had obtained most of his father’s quirk as she’s very fluffy. It’s almost questionable as to how these parents were graced with a child like Shou. Surprisingly, neither parents stopped Shou from applying to U.A.

Height?: He is about 5’9”

Birthday?: Shou’s Birthday is March 23rd.

Zodiac?: He’s an Aries.

Favorite thing(s)?: He likes any kind of seafood, the color green, fishing, and yoga (He’s kind of clumsy and likes to practice balance!)

Pet peeve?: He hates zoos. He’s not too sure why but he doesn’t like zoos. They’re not fun and kind of unnerving to him for one reason or another.

Sexuality?: Shou is more along the lines of asexual.

Species?: Due to his quirk, Shou seems more birdlike than human but he is still pretty much human.



Shou’s quirk makes him very birdlike. His whole body is covered in feathers which share patterning much like ospreys. Even his legs are birdlike, bending backwards. His shins to his feet are that of a powerful bird of prey with large talons. He even dawns a tail. His face is also much like a bird as he has a very sharp beak, he also has bright yellow eyes. As for his taste in clothing, it is actually somewhat limited due to his arms being mostly wings as well as his legs having the backwards knees. It’s difficult to fit into most clothing. Yet he manages and can for the most part wear his school uniforms.



Shou Hamasaki is a relatively friendly guy. He likes to introduce himself and socialize with others. Although he has had many anxieties about his appearance and how it’s difficult to manage as himself. He’s relatively clumsy and no matter how much he’s matured, he still can’t recognize the size of his wings and ends up bumping into things quite a bit, although he tries his best not too. Hamasaki is relatively boyish, yet not near the extent of Kirishima’s belief in manliness. He does enjoy sports but again isn’t coordinated, no matter how well he can work with a team. This is something he still needs to work on during is years at U.A., to understand the capacity of his quirk as well as finding better technique.



Quirk: Osprey. Basically he can do everything an Osprey can, from flying to having excellent eyesight and being a powerful bird of prey!

Hero name?: The raptor hero: Sea Hawk 

Costume?: His hero costume consists mainly of bottoms that are aerodynamic, so that he won’t be held back when flying. His pants go down to the end of his bent leg, allowing his talons to be free as well. He remains without much of a top so his arms won’t be restricted and slowing down his ability to fly. His suit also consists of goggles to enhance his already pristine vision. They would help to make his vision clear in any kind of weather. 



Power - (4/5) B

Having a quirk which makes him much like a powerful bird, Hamasaki’s relatively strong yet he could use some more training as most students do.

Speed - (3/5) C

Again, his quirk enables him to be a powerful and swift hero yet he could use more help to accomplish this. He has an ability to dive from the air at amazing speeds, much like an osprey or any bird of prey.

Technique - (2/5) D

Technique is where Shou suffers a lot. He cannot function the best under pressure and usually relies off of his wings and speed all too often, forgetting that his talons could help during his battle. He also can’t strategize under pressure either and again relies too much of his wings to get him out of situations.

Intelligence - (3/5) C

He’s not the smartest and could very much improve in this range yet he tries his best.

 Cooperativeness - (4/5) B

Being friendly and social, he can easily work with others.