Dragon ☀️'s Comments

May I adopt this cutie? I would use them as my new main sona. My nickname is actually Dragon, so I instantly fell in love with this cutie haha~

I completely understand if you wanna give em to someone else!

I’m having trouble with my gender and sexuality at the moment, so I’d love to use em as a sona that represents me in a better way than any of my other sonas ever has. I’m questioning who I am and who I want to be, so I feel this character may help me with that.

Thank you so much for considering, have a great evening ^^

Hi!  I decided that I’m too tent on this bean to give them up for free,  but would you maybe look at trades for them?  No worries if not^^

Hello ^^

Oh okay. I understand <3

And of course. I’d love to offer anyone from this folder ^^ https://toyhou.se/PrismBeetle/characters/folder:834112

I’ll trade Dragon for Blueberry!^^


Ooh sure thing! Sounds good ^^

It’s a deal. I’ll send over the transfer for Blueberry now <3

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