Six Wing/ Crystal Six



5 years, 4 months ago


guess who here that's right it's me TRASH anyways this is a fusion art trade with my boi EeveeCat2 out of all my predrawn manes and tails i wanted to use the tail you see the most i cri, this too gud. me and eevecat are the only ones permitted to use this oc


refrence sheet help can be found in the comments :T

Name: Six wing/crystal six

Reason for name: literally a fusion of crystal wing and sixtin

Nickname(s)?: Crystal or six

Birthday: June 30th

Age: 28

Cutie mark: a blue and gray heart with a sewing needle and pencil crossed behind it

Special Talent: making clothes

Previous Residence: Ponyville

Current Residence: still ponyville but she travels everywhere, kind of like a better version of trixie.

Height: 5"6

Weight: 132

Gender: Hermaphrodite but portrays a female

Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual

Body type ('Royal', buff, normal, skinny): normal

Coat Color: whitish blue

Marking(s) Color: grayish black

Hoof color (if visible): black on back bluish white on front

Eye color: right: blue left: brown

Eye shape: not sure... i guess a more royal type?

Sclera color: white

Muzzle type: normal

Mane style: spiked and fancy

Mane color: blue

Mane color 2: brown

Mane color 3: gray

Mane color 4: light gray and a bunch of other colors

Tail style: curly and fancy

Tail color: same as mane

Tail color 2: same 

Tail color 3: same

Personality: a snooty, bold, snobby, stuck up individual that can mislead just about anyone into believing what she says even if it isn't true. Or so many would think, though she is like this it's not entirely like it in fact she's more loving towards people then they might think. so in other words being rude is her way of showing love, the more she loves you the ruder she is. she causes quite a bit of friendship problems

Occupation: runs a tour guide for the crystal empire every Wednesday though Friday. she attracts customers by misleading them and then gives them a long tour. if anyone bothers to interrupt her or just acts rude instead of using her love version of hate she instead gives them the more, "shut up or im gonna kill ya" type of rudeness.


Twilight sparkle: always needing to see Twilight because she doesn't know how not be a douche

Rarity: sees her a competition but in a friend kind way, but of course they do fight from time to time because of Six's love for using crystal fabric

Pinkie pie: let's be honest, we were all expecting this one

derpy: they've crossed path's but never really spoken

Doctor whooves: teases him 24/7

Vinyl Scratch: her female crush

Soarin: male crush

Rd: more of a nuisance then a friend

fluttershy: always makes her cry

apple jack: can't stand her at all because of her misleading ways (talking about AJ)

limestone: they have a so so relationship

Crystal wing's mate gaming gear (OWO what's this, a name leak?): Always trying to make him look "presentable" because of how gruff and messy he tends to be. she's always trying to get rid of his birds because she find them to be "the reason behind how messy he is" she has also been trying to get rid of his clothes.

Sixtin's mate: because i don't have info on them rn i can't draw a conclution lol

other details: in her tail is what is known as "crystal fabric" a fabric that is actually crystal that is as thin as fabric, though rarity has been trying to learn how six wing makes it, she refuses to tell her. six wing was made a separate entity by celestia and luna so crystal wing and sixtin could be separated once more