


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Digi
Bite, Iron Tail, Tail Whip & Take Down
Ability: Adaptability
Personality Traits: 

Digi was once a normal human living a normal life, born to a mother and father as one does and growing up to be a trainer just like every other kid in their town. Well, that was until they woke up one day confused and alone in a forest they soon learn to be called Mystifying Forest. It sure was mystifying alright, for when they woke up there they could only remember one thing: their name. Digi, was it? Had to be. They chose to ignore the fact that their memories were all out of whack and decided to try and find a way out of this... forest. They felt weak and, of course, alone. Standing was a problem, and that's when they found that they were an Eevee. What. God, well, anyway, being an Eevee notwithstanding, how do they get out?

It took what felt like, and actually was, hours to get out of that forest. Then it took days to even find a purpose within this Pokemon world -which, yes, they were in a world where it was completely populated by Pokemon which could all talk- and from there they just had to live out their days as an Eevee until they can leave? They didn't even know how to leave. They'd heard tales of an Exploration Team taking this world by storm, apparently the leader of it also being of human origin, though... not exactly as Digi had expected. So, they sought this team out, going through their own trials and tribulations through these so called 'Mystery Dungeons' until they happened upon Wigglytuff's Guild. 

Unfortunately fate had decided that just going to that guild meant unlocking this 'purpose' of theirs. They were just about to walk onto this weird grate in front of the guild entrance when something pink appeared out of nowhere in front of them and whisked them both away via teleportation. Long story short the pink thing was a Mew and this Mew explained that the balance between Digi's world and this world had gone out of balance, and since Mew needed a human to help fix it Digi just so happened to be chosen. Huh. Longer story short, Digi ended up helping this Mew out through a few weeks of perilous journeys and fighting, learning to use their Eevee body to its fullest. In the end they had to get the Lord of Pokemon's help, Arceus, as they were the only one with the power to mend the balance. Digi lent their power to Arceus and the balance was restored, and with that Digi was sent home.

Thank Arceus.

Well, no, Digi would not thank Arceus, for when they had been returned to their home in Eterna City, they'd not only regained all of their human memories, but all of their Eevee memories as well. Now that wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that they believe that them having these memories is exactly why they look like a goddamn Eevee. Well, a humanised version of one, anyway. With a big bushy tail and long pointed ears atop their head, they looked at themself in their bedroom mirror with horror in their now brown eyes. This could not be happening. They could still feel it, deep down, the power welling within their body, the strength they'd gained from battling the Lord of Pokemon itself. And, with feeling, they tested their luck and whipped their tail around and it turned to iron. Oh Arceus no. 

They grabbed their ears and pulled down, hoping for this to be a trick, but the pain was real and so was the fear. They couldn't let their parents see them like this. It was funny, really, they'd always loved Eevees, loved them so much to even have clothes modelled after their coat patterns. They'd wanted to grow up to be an Eevee trainer, to perhaps fill their home with the elemental creatures. This was like Arceus laughing in their face. Wallowing in irony, they donned an Eevee inspired outfit and ran from their home and out of the city, ignoring anyone’s shocked looks as they dashed to safety within Eterna Forest. They found refuge in the Old Chateau and only left to get necessities when it was dark.

They have a new purpose now. They weren't going to grow up to be a Pokemon Trainer, that much was clear, instead they were going to go find Mew, or Arceus, and have them fix this. Digi would make them revert whatever they'd done to them after being sent back to this world. It wasn't going to be easy as they didn't want to catch anybody's eye, or be taken in for experimentation, but with the help of Pokemon they think they'll cope. One night they decided to leave their new home in Eterna Forest to deliver their parents a letter detailing a summary of their problems, and decided on a battle plan. Thank Arceus they can now talk to Pokemon, this made things only slightly easier. Sure, some Pokemon didn't accept them, didn't see them as one of their own, but others were a lot more inviting and friendly and took on Digi's case.

They were going to get back to normal. Whatever it took.