


8 years, 1 month ago


Gang a gang of two (counting him). He does all the dirty work. Lives in a trashy, abandoned, run-down motel thing that's damp, cold, and has rats. One of the rats seems to like hanging around him. They have some power because they have a teeny TV. Based on a blue concinnus. Gang leader is a buff idiot who is a jerk to Nevan, making fun of both his height and being racist. Nevan himself is only about 2'4" if 'standing' comfortably, but he often pushes himself to rise up higher. He's about 7' long. Being cold-blooded and living in a dump, he's often freezing. Despite his size, he's a good fighter and can take multiple people down at once. His jaw can unhinge and his fangs have venom in them that numb the target for about twenty minutes. He's also able to crush things with his body if he wishes. Has no need to blink, thanks to the clear scales over his eyes. Has two hearts, but only three working lungs. Very mopey and miserable before and during his sheds. Often moves as little as possible during them, lying around while looking and acting like he's dead, which only makes them take longer to be over with. Has two to three sheds a year. He's twenty-something and would be a bum if he didn't live in the gang's hideout and steal for a living.