


8 years, 1 month ago



Name Serafina
Designer Kwindom (Human), fayfia (Dragon)
Gender Female
ObtainedCustom redesign / trade for character
Significant Other Nature
Rules N/A, will never leave me
Species Deity

RoleThe Goddess


  • Serafina is my oldest character (easily 12+ years old!) and she's been through many iterations to end up where she is now. She inspired my love of characters, and that's why she ended up getting an important role in my character world.
  • Serafina is the creator goddess of my character world, and as such very powerful/capable of all sorts of magic and abilities.

Serafina is a wise and motherly individual who's also one of the oldest beings existent (Alongside her "brothers", Asmodeus and Marchosias. She put the building blocks in place for the world of Isethef as it's currently known, slowly adding and molding it as it formed until it took a true life of its own. She has a guiding hand, but has never been a controller of the world. Simply pushing it gently in the directions she feels it needs to go. Both good and bad, to heal wounds or teach a lesson. 

She always seems to be five steps ahead of everything, and never goes into anything without a plan or reason for it to be done. She isn't omnipresent - but her years have certainly given her plenty of skill in predicting the results of things. She's learned through plenty of trial and error as things have progressed. 

In her earlier years, she helped mortal-kind far more actively, but after they began to seek and abuse her power, she receded to helping in more subtle sparing ways.

She's always open to learning things, and believes strongly that mortals can always teach her. No matter how old she is or how much she's learned, there's always something new she can find. She's very kind and generous and genuinely wants the best for the world and all who reside in it. She's very passionate about knowledge and the expanse of her great celestial library is legendary.

She is very humble and lives among mortals often, typically in disguise. She'll walk among them and live out entire lives as a simple human, or pet, or passerby. She doesn't really like being worshipped or exposed for her real power. She often plays dumb to things even if she does really know what's happening.

She has a good sense of humor and can take a joke at her expense. She doesn't like blatant disrespect and has been known to have a temper at times if provoked. 


  • She is the goddess in charge of love and the one who acts as the leader (Commander) of the angelic forces of the celestial plane. 
  • It is possible to kill her, she is powerful- but not entirely immune to damage. She'll be reincarnated in a few hundred years if she is. (As it IS impossible to destroy her soul completely) 
  • She is one of the three primary/most powerful gods.
  • Her symbol of choice is a feather, or a white peacock.
  • Her "real" form is technically some eldritch unfathomable light being; but since that would break brains she chooses a fluffy pink dragon instead. It's a little easier to make friends that way.
  • She has gone one on one with Asmodeus and won; since then it's generally presumed that she's the most powerful of the three originator gods. (This is not entirely true, as they were created in equal measure- but she'd smarter about utilizing the world around her in order to overpower her brother)
  • She and her brothers are the only gods who can pull their magic from the void, it is the most pure- unaltered form of magic and extremely potent. It is the origin of all magic in the realm, as these gods bring it into the world, and it filters down through them to everyone and everything else.  The void is, however, a limitless and dangerous power source, existing in a manner beyond comprehension. Extended use of it or exerting too much power from it risks driving any of the three mad if they attempt to use too much of it, so they have to carefully regulate their power. Many of the gods suspect this is what happened to Asmodeus.
  • The only other entity capable of pulling magic from the void is Oribus, the archmage. No one before or since, god or human alike has been able to replicate this. 

Serafina was formed at the beginning of the universes, created in the void alongside her "brothers" Asmodeus and Marchosias. They were born from the clash of ancient, eldritch entities of unknown origin known only as "Red", "Yellow", and "Blue". The three existed in constant war in the black of the void until their calamitous battle finally erupted into something different. White (Serafina), Black (Asmodeus), and Gray (Marchosias); three gods born into an empty realm with no direction. At first it was silence, confusion, ages of contemplation and trying to understand the meaning for their lives and existence. Serafina was the first to create, and find enjoyment in doing so. She created the first world, Isethef, and slowly built upon it. It was ignored as a pet project at first, until it became intriguing enough to fascinate the other two who set about expending their own unique powers.

(note: her backstory/history is very long and complicated; given she is literally THE oldest character in my character world; so I'm only jotting basics) 


  • Fire
  • Observing
  • Learning
  • Life

  • Those who would harm the world
  • Being unable to intervene sometimes
  • Feeling helpless
  • Asmodeus

Nature Significant other

Nature was the first god born after she created the world, formed himself from the expulsion of magic/excess power from the world's creation he was a fast friend to ever-curious (At the time) young Serafina. With his help they formed the land, the sea, the flora and fauna, and they remain close companions still. He's the best friend she has and he's certainly the one most privy to her secrets. 

Asmodeus Brother figure/Enemy

Asmodeus was created alongside Serafina, but they never really got along. He was pretentious, ambitious, and crude. He did nothing but complain about the "Noise" of her world and attempt to ruin it even in its early years. He has become a representation of all evil, and the two are forever at war with one another- whether its explicitly or behind the scenes of the realms entirely. She doesn't entirely hate him- she pities him for his lack of understanding. She doesn't provoke fights with him, but most certainly won't hesitate to put a stop to his plans.

Marchosias Brother-figure

Serafina has a somber relationship towards Marchosias. He is the third original god, and he loved her for a very long time. However, she only saw him as a brother-like figure and nothing more. This enraged him, and he lashed out - provoked by Asmodeus, who is known to manipulate him frequently. Being rather gullible, Marchosias never really knew who to follow. Instead he ends up in a strange purgatory between neither. Serafina wishes he'd choose the side of good, but there are still unresolved tensions between them.

Oribus Long time friend/assistant

Oribus is a human mage, and the most powerful magic user to exist outside of the three primary gods. He pledged his loyalty to Serafina in exchange for the life of his son, Eslore. He remains her loyal assistant, sent to perform duties on her behalf across Isethef. Being immortal himself, he's been at her side for a very long time.

She is technically his boss, but really- they're great friends. 

Dove Daughter

Serafina and Nature's daughter

Hawk Son

Serafina and Nature's Son
