


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info








December 21st


Outwardly energetic. Fairly quiet whilst alone


A spreading loss of feeling/emotion. Mute.

Status of Soul





"... A bike... a backpack... a house... a dog... and a myriad of blackness, and then... it.

Inais rubbed the sides of her head in frustration. Everything that flowed to her mind was anything you'd expect of one's childhood - a summer outside riding bikes, schooling, none of it anything exceptional, and while she was joyed to even be able to recall these memories it was a bittersweet feeling. The general idea of these thoughts flowed to her mind with ease, but trying to dig further only brought headaches. It was like trying to scratch an itch that was too deep under the skin.

 She flopped down backwards into the grass and gazed into the sun. Sunlight poured into her face lighting up her vision, but it wasn't painful as it were before - now it's just obnoxious. Her mind latched onto the only thing she could remember reliably. It. The thing that took her face. Whatever it was. A flowing swarm of jet black, almost like living ink. It was hard to see against the dark of the night but the moment she noticed it in the shadows was the moment she blacked out.

A rush of anxiety flowed through Inais as she recalled these memories. The next thing she remembered after waking up from that was... nothing. She didn't feel scared, she didn't feel confused, she didn't feel alive. She didn't feel anything at all before her feelings rushed back to her in an instant. She would only learn later after gradually losing pieces of herself that it was just a sample of what was to come."



(-- Denotes a dwindling stat. ++ Denotes a growing stat.)

Strength: 4/10

Creativity: 6/10 --

Social: 7/10 --

Fighting Capability: 2/10

Special: 9/10 ++

Memory Recall (Short Term): 9/10

Memory Recall (Long Term): 1/10 ++

Motivation: 6/10 --

General Compassion / Empathy: 8/10 --

General Physical Feeling: 8/10 --

General Emotional Feeling: 7/10 --


She's not blind despite having no eyes. This confuses her as much as it does you.

She doesn't require food or water anymore. Feelings of thirst and hunger were the first of her feelings to leave her.

The hole in her face is empty space - things can go in, and things can come out. Things that go in don't necessarily come out.

She doesn't have any feeling in the tips of her fingers or her toes at this point in time.

Smoke leaks from her face while her mask is off. Inais believes this to be a physical form of her soul and is one of the reasons why she wears her mask.