
5 years, 5 months ago


born on a shiny mill, parents weren't allowed to give their kids names but had to instead name them what number they where, the first child was named "1" the second was named "2" and so on, was originally named "15" but changed her name after she left

her mum treated all the kids like shit, but marion got the least of it. her mom even told her "you're really the only kid I still have any hope for"

was close-ish to her sister 13, but not that close, her older sister got on her nerves a lot

focused her entire childhood on just becoming as strong as possible cuz she had not idea what else to do with her life

after the first shiny pichu was born some kind of sickness spread thought the entire mill, killing anyone who got it. after their dad died and mom got sick marion took that as a sign to get the fuck out of dodge and escaped though some vents, deciding that bringing their siblings along was to risky so they escaped alone, tho little known to her 13 saw her escape and would use the same method a few days later

since the mill was sort of on an island- marion was kinda fucked when she left the building only to be met with the ocean and not knowing how to swim. she kinda just sat there for an hour before managing to get the attention of a Pelipper who agreed to fly her outta there, when asked where she wanted to go she just said "anywhere thats not fucking here.". so the pelipper flew her to a mirage island inhabited by rodent pokemon. she made friends with a minnchino named minty and life was peaceful for a few years. tho through those years marion still had no fucking clue what to do with her life so she just went back to training to become stronger, just this time with minty sometimes forcing her to take breaks.

at some point she realized that she wasen't happy, and needed to do more with her life then just train, she overheard a conversation from a retired raticate about how he used to be in a rescue team and what that was like, deciding that sounded kinda fun marion got her shit ready and made arrangements with the same pelipper who originally brought her there. she tried to convince minty to travel with her but she was to scared of the outside world, so marion was forced to go alone

after reaching the main land marion just kinda fucked around for awhile before somehow comming to live in the shitty electric town, where she then joined the guild and got yeeted into a partner ship with fuchsia, their team name is "team bow"

pink markings glow in the dark

nothing really bothers or gets under her skin, she's just kinda "meh" about everything she dislikes

,,,except sushi, she has no clue why but she despises sushi