


5 years, 8 months ago


Skittles is an unhinged doppelganger. She is extremely childish. Everything she does is for her own entertainment and she doesn't really understand human emotions.

She has a similar demeanor to The Collector from Owl House. She doesn't understand the world or how to fit in, and loves playing games.

She doesn't want to hurt anyone as she enjoys the company of other creatures and understands that violence is detrimental to having friends but she can be incredibly violent when provoked. She has the power to warp and corrupt reality and her lollipop polearm is a conduit of this power.

Her reality warping powers have a glitchy chromatic aberration appearance and warp things in a way similar to meow wolf's weird but not entirely out of place distortions. She only really uses it in small ways like floating around and to play tricks on people but it can get out of control when she experiences high states of emotion.

[This was an old Homestuck self insert that I am reworking. I would prefer the Skittles bag in her hair not be drawn but if it is I don't mind.]

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