


5 years, 8 months ago


Name Haiden
Age 19 years old
Sign Sagittarius
Gender Agender (They/Them)
Height 1.65 m
Race Unicorn
Orientation Demi Aro

Haiden works at a record store. They do not dislike their job but they also think it sucks to earn just above minimum wage. They aren't a big music person, but they know their stuff since it's their job to direct clients to what they're looking for. If they ever hear music it's sure to be gloomy alternative tunes and obscure metal bands.


Haiden is not prone to people. They do not like people. They are, by all means, an introverted person and anyone trying to talk to them is trouble. They are often rude and disrespectful towards others, but mostly they avoid talking as much as possible. They have little to no interest in deep relationships, and they have not ever felt romantic towards anyone. Their sexual life is also pretty inactive, but they have been involved with a few people, mostly for fun. Even so, Haiden is not a bad person. They are kind when they have to be, as with customers or strangers. But sometimes, life gets the best of them. Haiden is likely to take out their frustration on others, and they are easy to anger. They also have very little patience, so you better hurry up and end your business with them before it gets messy. Most of the time they're moody anyway, always with a small frown or a pull on their lips.
It might be obvious by now, but Haiden is very bold. They are not afraid to speak up just as they are not afraid to keep quiet. It's not easy to threaten them, and the amount of people who can unnerve them is reduced. They have a will of steel and will get what they want when they want it. For that, Haiden has learned how to manipulate people. Not exactly in a malicious way, but to cue people into doing what they want them to do. That's not to say they can't plant a few evil seeds from time to time.
Haiden is also bluntly honest. Again, they are not afraid to say what's in their head. And if they don't like something you will know about it. They do not lie, instead, they twist the truth to hide it.
Haiden is not a hopeful idiot, at all. They are mostly realistic and know when things are going downhill. Mostly they also just complain about how everything sucks, because it does suck. Haiden does not like jokes or pranks, and their sense of humor is pretty dry. They're more likely to laugh about someone getting hurt than to laugh about intelligent puns. They can also be quite cynical and insensitive with the stuff they find humorous. What they find fun is just not what everybody else commonly finds fun.

"Blood on a marble wall. I like the way they all Scream."

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