Dr. Philo



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Adult; mid 40s


Male (he/him)


Acorn Weevil


4'10" / 1.47m


Medical doctor

Creation Date

April 12th, 2009


Dr. Philo Sapryk-Deneyra is a family practitioner with a PHD in nutrition. If anyone comes into the clinic he works at for a checkup, or if they have some sort of illness or other emergency, he'll do his job to the best of his abilities. If the patient is of a species he's unfamiliar with, he'll do his best to attempt to understand the biology of the subject in order to properly care for them. Despite having nothing but good intentions to help others, people are still extremely unnerved and sometimes phobic around him due to his insectoid nature. The fact that he enjoys collecting antique medical tools doesn't seem to help either... His prize possession is a WW2 era metallic syringe, which just happens to be very large...

Philo is softspoken, generally level headed, prefers to observe and ask questions, and tries to stay neutral in case of any arguments. He has never been known to be hostile or violent towards anyone. If he has to protect himself, he'll end up using medical tools, such as scalpels and syringes, against the attacker before escaping and calling security. 

Due to his species' normal dietary habits, his favorite food and drinks are commonly nut-based, including but not limited to: cashews, almonds, macadamias, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, coconuts, walnuts, pine nuts, and, of course, acorns. His favorite drinks are teas; especially vanilla hazelnut.

Ironically, Philo has philophobia (the fear of falling in love and/or emotional attachment to another person) due to him being a widower. He does not wish to look for a new partner or even discuss topics regarding him building a relationship with anyone.