


5 years, 5 months ago


**first name, last name, {nickname}:**
Jamie Evans
**Eye- Hair- and Skin Color:**
Emerald green eyes, sandy colored hair that is shaved short at the nape and sides and longer on top and often a bit messy, tan, freckles.
**Height and weight:**
170cm, 65kg
slim and sinewy
**Face (features):**
angular, almost gaunt facial features, freckles
**Voice:** pleasantly dark and soft often very reserved and rather quiet
**Language (accent, dialect etc.):**
British accent
**Dress style:**
Most of the time he wears army trousers, combat boots and a black shirt, sometimes just army trousers and bare-chested because of the heat. Later in his story, he finds some sort of high-tech armor that he likes to wear when he is out exploring.
His left arm is tattooed with a skeletraptor, several scars on arms, chest, noticeable are the many scars on his back that are from a whip or something similar.

Jamie often has a lizard with him that is about the size of a small cat.

**Health condition:**
Physically in excellent health, but still suffering in part from his traumas.

**Social class**

In the beginning rather poor circumstances, but now in the upper class but down to earth

**Outstanding Character Trait:**

Helpful and very friendly, but very shy

**Hobbies & pastimes:**

Drawing, reading, spending time with his two animal friends Tara and Perseus, and spending time with his partner.


Jamie is very empathetic and because of that, he can often size people up better than you might suspect. It also often helps him better judge animals and is one reason he is very good with them. Jamie draws often and well and likes to decorate his journal entries with pictures.


Drawing and art, animals, dinosaurs, archery.


Animal abusers, people who oppress or take advantage of others, offal, stupid people.

**Noticeable Habits:**



His greatest strength is his loyalty to his friends, especially the animals he has grown to love. At the same time, this is also his greatest weakness, which can easily be used against him.

see above.

**Further important information:**

Jamie is not much of a fighter and the only weapon he knows how to use is a modern composite bow.

**Personality Description:**

Shy, introverted, and low self-esteem (he was often a victim of bullying by classmates and fellow students). Adorable, amiable, and naive at first, but also has problems trusting people. Nonetheless, he is tough and survives where others would have already given up.
Jamie has difficulty opening up to others for fear of being hurt. It takes him a long time to befriend someone, but he's also very naive, which changes a bit with his time on the island, as he experiences many cruel things there.

**Character History:**.
Jamie is a young man stranded on a strange island with a small group of fellow students. The group is alone, with only two backpacks containing a few rations, combat knives, blankets, flint, and tinder. They are still trying to remember how they ended up on the island. They seem to know each other, although most of their memories have faded. Jamie quickly realizes that the others don't like him and want to get rid of him, so he keeps his distance but simultaneously depends on them to survive. He keeps quiet about the strange tattoos that have suddenly appeared on his right arm, which he is sure he didn't have before, so as not to alarm the group.
Unlike the others, Jamie is not very athletic at this point and is a little chubby. He is a nuisance to the rest of the group, all athletic and beautiful in Jamie's eyes. Kira is the only one who takes pity on him and lets him have a knife when the rest of the group decides to sneak away.

Jamie must learn to survive alone in an unfamiliar environment populated by creatures that have long been extinct. He has no choice but to fight for his survival. Through illness and lack of food, the chubby young man becomes a thin, sinewy survivor who learns to brave the hostile environment. This comes as a surprise to the group, who had believed he had died when they abandoned him.
Although most of the young man's memory has been wiped out, he still remembers that his biological parents did not raise him. He also recalled that his mother was dead and his father was still alive, although he had never met him. But that, his name, and the feeling of always being an outsider is all he can remember initially. All other information is like a black hole torn into his memories. In his dreams, he sometimes has flashbacks to his past, and the memories return over time.
Jamie is very empathetic and has always had a good relationship with animals. Over time, he gains the trust of a black Utha raptor and befriends her. He names her Willow.
His story is far from over here, but if you want to know more, you must ask him yourself.