


5 years, 8 months ago





Family - NONE (open)

Friends - Seraphina (open)

Ship - NONE (open, female preference, will look at males)

Personality - likes to think she's nice, she at least tries to be. She's a bit self conscious and often feels like she has to prove herself. She's a snuggle fluff bear and doesn't really want to show it, but she often just needs a good snuggle. One of her biggest issues is dealing with her guilt. Sometimes she feels like she needs to be a bad person due to her past.

Fun tidbits - can be pretty sly if need be

Backstory - Ever since she was young Vassilia wanted to help people. She worked alongside nurses and doctors with her friend, Seraphina, when she was young, aspiring to be like them but found that the hands on work like that was not her forte. At first she was disappointed, yet someone guided her to work as an apothecary. She was known by the Melursus armies and her abilities were often called upon. She helped them in the usual way but, one day, she was asked to go behind enemy lines and murder the injured enemy captain. It took some convincing, but she did it and now lives with the guilt of it all and the people who turned away from her for doing it. She longs to get forgiveness from them as well as herself.