


5 years, 5 months ago


★ Name:: Catrise

★ Nicknames:: Cat or Kitty

★ Gender:: Female (assigned for the type of genitalia shape/inner and outter)(the species is technically intersex)

★ Appears:: 24

★ Actual Age:: 55

★Date of Birth:: January 11

★ Height:: 5 feet, 3 inches
    Weight:: 120 pounds

★ Species:: Archanes

★ Build:: Lithe in build, heart shaped face, rather large bust

★ Personality::  To be Updated

★Sexuality/Preference:: Pansexual (tends to prefer male presenting archanes)

★Relationship:: Single

★ History::  TBU

★ Hobbies:: TBU

★ Skills::
--General power of their gems, can form crystals into weapons, form a force field around them, and healing capabilities.
(as well as make flowers grow)

★ Occupation:: Clothing designer

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits::
-- All traits are common.
-- They hold the fragrance of their flowers.
--  The scent of the catnip flowers in her hair attracts cats, as such the cats can be either relaxed or hyper around her depending on their reaction to catnip.
-- Is easily embarrassed when someone points out her horn opals being lopsided
★ Extra::
-- Will wear just about any sort of dress/skirt outfits
-- Doesn't like to wear shoes. Will opt for sandals of any kind if they have to
-- Has freckle markings
-- Hair is stylized to have the wing like cowlicks

-- Voice claim is Lauren Landa (a la Sailor Neptune )

--Likes: Enjoys shopping (doesn't matter for what, just the fun of window shopping is good enough for her), reading, drafting clothes designs, cooler temperatures, cooking for othe
--Dislikes: Secondhand embarrassment, having to wait long periods of time for anything (i.e very impatient), cruelty to animals, bullies