$75 or trade 💕



5 years, 5 months ago


Miss Dream

Name Mercedes Dream Hayton
Age 24
Gender Female
Race Anthro Malamute
Job Wedding Planner


  • Weddings
  • Love
  • Romance novels & Rom-com films
  • Music


  • Cheats & fakes
  • Toxic relationship
  • Disorgnisations
  • Procaratantion

Hopeless Romantic . Fluffy Puppy . Wedding Planner

Mercy is a young busniss woman who found her calling by accident. At 18 her Grandfather gave her a business fund if she could find a job she wanted to do an pull it off, before he died. She wanted to be a party planner but couldn't find anyone to employ her. When she was apporached by her best friend and childhood friend( also the love of her life)

Mercy had no idea her childhood bestie (Darren) & her best friend (Lucy) had been dating but it turns out they had been together for a while as Lucy was 3 month pregnant and startig to show no longer able to hide it from her family, who have convienced both of them to get married, Darren's family arent happy but support Darren's choices. Darren then asked Mercy to plan his and lucy wedding, it would help them both, Lucy and darren get their dream wedding and Mercy can prove herself to her grandfather. At those word Mercy could feel Breaking but agreed not wanting to see her friends sad.

After telling her grandfather she had a job, he was suprised but said he hopes she hasn't taken on to much. A wedding is a big deal and this is her bestfriend's, Mercy lost out on being in the bridal party because she was orgnising it, though Lucy did say she can wear the bridesmaid dress on the day. Lucy and Darren took Mercy to look at wedding venues and Lucy feel inlove with the 4th one but the only opening they had was 2 months down the line or AFTER the baby was born, and Lucy family wouldn't have them getting married after the baby was born, so they booked it and then gave Mercy 2 months to plan the wedding. Mercy contacted her mothers best friend daughter Verity who worked in a bridal salon and manged to get a appoinment for that week, for them to get the wedding dress for lucy and then go straight to a friend of Verity, Seren who with her friend Eve could help make the bridemaid dress, though they will basic. Lucy said that was fine, only 4 dresses need to be mad.

Mercy and lucy went to the wedding dress shopping, Lucy was very fussy but they found one evetually out of budget but Darren said he would cut down on his suit and just borrow one instead of buying. Mercy was starting to hate Lucy, this got more apparent when they went to the girl who made the bridemaid dresses. Lucy brought a picture of what she wanted and it was this complicated desgin with a tule skirt and lot of layers, Seren was only 18 like the bride and mercy but the friend who was helping her was probably 13, and helping out after school.

After 1 month and half of hell, Mercy has planned everything but a cake. Lucy hated everything. Mercy was freaking out, when her mother stepped in and gave mercy contact to a old friend of hers who owned bakery, or use to as her mum use to work there. She rang this lady and she told her the bakery is there but it was brought by a 20 year old Vanilla, she said that she will call the girl and see if she will do this in a rush. Mercy was waiting for her mum's boss to call her back and she did, saying Vanilla said she will do it, but you need to get there at 6 today. Mercy agreed and picked up lucy, but Darren was at work, so it was all down to lucy, and when they got there, they met a wolf dog, Vanilla. They sat down and Lucy was demanding what she want and gypsy held her hand up and said "I cant do that. Best i can do is a 3 teir cake, with 3 diffrent flavours, with roses, I cant do the lace desgin in a month" Mercy was glad gypsy was so blunt, Lucy wasn't happy and was going to walk out when mercy said "Lucy, if you want a cake, we need to order it now, no one else is going to be able to fit you in. this way you and darren can have your cake choice, You get your vanilla, he get his red velvet and you can have chocolate for the kids?" Lucy relented and agreed. Before leaving, Mercy sighed and thank Vanilla who smiled and said "Bridezillia?" Mercy nodded "she was my best friend" Vanilla laughed and said "if you get a mintue, there a coffee shop down the road, you look like you need a bais party to talk to, give me a call and I will get a coffee with you". Mercy said "how about now? she gone" Vanilla agreed and they went to the coffee shop and mercy told Vanilla everything about the situation and Vanilla gave the best advice which is "once they are married, you dont have to worry about them plus, we could help each other out, if you get your business i can be your main baker and give client of your discount if yours alway come to me" Mercy agree and said if she get her business that would be great

The wedding day came, the cake looked perfect everything was beautiful and suprisingly it went of with a hitch, dispite lucy's freak outs. Mercy had a few memeber of family, there as they were darren's guest, Lucy apparently didn't consider them close enough to invite. her grandfather apporached mercy at the end of the night looking stern, Mercy was sure he was unhappy and he siad "Mercy, i have to ask you this..." Mercy looked nervous "What you wedding planning buisness going to be called? I will give you the start up money and pay the office lease". Mercy was so happy and though for a bit only to hear darren say "Miss Dream's weddings" Taking her middle name "I mean lucy just said this is everything she dreamed of so sound perfect to me"

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